Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Prison and National Probation Service cooperation Essay

Prison and National Probation Service cooperation - Essay Example While some perceived of it as a constructive step toward the reduction of reoffending rates and a positive contribution towards the greater national aim of crime reduction, others critiqued it as a misinformed strategy which would confuse the boundaries between prison' and community.' Such confusion, as critics maintain, will have dire societal consequences insofar as it is predicated on the assumption that inmate and out-mate offender management subscribe to the same concern, principles, aims and, thus, paradigms (Valios, 2004; Palmer, 2003; Peters, LeVasseur and Chandler, 2004). Proceeding from the background and controversy outlined in the above, the dissertation shall focus on the aims of the proposed justice system reform, critically analysing Noms from the perspective of best practices managerial theories. The rationale for selection did not simply emanate from the contemporaneous nature of the issue, or solely from its societal value but because the researcher has been professionally involved in both prison and probation services for a number of years and is, consequently, in a position to analyse Noms and argue the exigencies of its implementation on the basis of experiential evidence. Apart from the experiential knowledge and both subjective and professional interest in the issue, the topic was further selected consequent to the fact that the researcher's professional background places him in a position whereby he can collect primary data, conduct the requisite surveys and administer the necessary questionnaires with comparative ease. In other words, the researcher's professional background and awareness of the fact that community safety and societal interests are best served through the articulation and implementation of an effective and...As earlier stated, the primary areas of co ncern are the National Offender Management Service and organisational and people management theory. As pertains to either of these two issues, the existent wealth of academic literature testifies to their respective values and the extent to which the latter may be constructively informed by the former. Over the past two decades, offender management literature has articulated the imperatives of utilising existent people and organisational management tools and strategies in order to attain the managerial efficiency and effectiveness level upon which the goals of the justice system are predicated. The justice system, operating according to the principles of offender exclusion and rehabilitation within a prison system, followed by the release of offenders into society and under the supervisory guidance of the probation service, has been largely incapable of satisfying the justice system’s expressed goal of reducing overall offence rates and eliminating reoffending. The persistent inability to satisfy the articulated goals exposes what some have identified as a fundamentally flawed people and organisational management paradigm. According to the aforementioned perspective, the failure of the justice system to either reduce crime rates or rehabilitate offenders, thereby offsetting reoffense potentialities, is indicative of the greater failure to embrace effective and efficient people and organisational management paradigms.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Health and Socail P1 Essay Example for Free

Health and Socail P1 Essay P1 Explain potential hazards and the harm that may arise from each in a health or social care setting Relating to the physical environment The physical environment is everything that is around you, this includes; 1. The building 2. The air 3. The temperature 4. Objects 5. People 6. Pets The physical environment has a huge impact on the staffs and individuals well-being. The spread of Airborne infections are increased when the ventilation is poor, airborne infections such as colds and influenza, so it is important to have fresh air circulating at all times in a health and social care setting, especially in elderly homes as older people tend to catch things more easily as do younger children. Individuals should never be in a draught and should always be warm enough. Older people, babies and people with disabilities find it harder to keep their body at an adequate temperature; you should always cater to their needs. Fumes and smoke shouldn’t contaminate the air that should be clean. The ventilation should remove stale air and provide air movement. All the rooms in the environment should have central heating; each should be able to be controlled to the specific temperature the individual wants. The lighting in each room should be bright enough and in a position for the individuals in the environment to read and participate in other activities. Emergency lighting should also be in place in case a light breaks or electrical problems occur; it should come on if there is a power failure. When the lighting is poor is can cause numerous problems and is hazardous to those who are in that setting, it will affect those with a vision impairment, with people that have limited vision you should make sure that they are in a well-lit area. Equipment Hazards from equipment could include * Untidiness e.g. toys, equipment left in corridors on stairs or blocking fire exits. * Poor maintenance, e.g. frayed wiring or broken equipment * Unsafe practice, e.g. overload sockets or trailing flexes * Lack of awareness of hazards, e.g. hot surfaces or moving parts All equipment must work and function correctly; it must be full maintained at all times. This could include fire fighting equipment, hoists and medical diagnostic equipment such as ECG or x-ray machines, it is very important that these are checked on a regular basis for any faults because the individual could be wrongly diagnosed. Computers and laptops now play as an important role in the care industry as they do in any other aspect of work. If they are positioned in an awkward place the individual can suffer from strain injuries, they can strain their vision if they have too much exposure to the screen, and incorrect sitting can lead to neck strain and back pains. Anything they need should be in reach or this can cau se them to overstretch and this could cause a fall. Infections You should always follow policies and procedures that are put in place; they are they to keep you and others around you safe. If you do not follow them you could cause unnecessary harm to you, your colleagues or individuals in your work place. Babies and older people are at a much greater risk of complications if they catch food borne infections, the incidence of MRSA in hospitals has highlighted the potentially devastating outcomes and effects of poor personal hygiene practices and over-prescription of antibiotics. On the national statistics website it shows that the number of deaths linked to MRSA in the UK from 1993 to 2006 rose to 1,625. But on the death certificates that mentioned it declined, and then in 2008 there was a fall of 23%. If the bacteria are on the skin then they can spread by touch, if it is in the nose or lungs then it can be passed on by droplet spread, by breathing or coughing over someone. But if the person is healthy then when they leave hospital it can just d isappear, this applies for people living with them; if they are healthy special precautions don’t need to be out in place. If it gets into the bloodstream through a wound then it can cause serious illness such as 1. Bone marrow infection 2. Blood poisoning 3. Septic shock 4. Septic arthritis 5. Meningitis 6. Abscesses anywhere within the body 7. Infection of the heart lining 8. Pneumonia Substances The hazardous waste does not stop after disposing of it as if his disposal of hazardous waste is not correct it could damage the health of all in the environment if not disposed of at all it can lead to infection and a spread of infection also. So when dealing with waste especially hazardous you has to make sure you depose of it correctly. Type of waste | Risk| How to dispose of the waste | Sharps (needles or syringes) | Risk of getting an infection off a dirty needle | All dirty needles must be out in a yellow box it can be small or large, it must be shut once it’s at its limit and it will not open once it has been closed. | Clinical dressings | Infection can occur | Must be placed in a yellow box which must be sealed with arrangements of the collection.| Body fluid (blood, urine, faeces, vomit. | A risk of infection | When cleaning up any of the waste you have to ensure gloves are worn it must be flushed down the toilet and then the toilet must be disinfected and if it was on the floor, disinfect where the waste was.| Soiled linen| Another risk of infection | They must be out in the special laundry bags which disintegrate when being washed.| There are a number of substances used in health and social care settings that are hazardous if misused. Cleaning fluids, medications and x-rays are all examples of substances found in health and social care settings. Chemicals can cause burns to the throat and oesophagus if swallowed by accident. Care should be taken at all times when administrating medication as it could be given to the wrong person which could lead to them suffering, or something as simple as the wrong dose. This type of mistake can have a devastating result for example in 2005 2 nurses miscalculated the dose of a drug needed to slow down a baby boys heart rate. He was given 10x the dose and he died. Hazardous working conditions Working conditions are aspects of your job, the hours that you work, the staffing levels and the staff relations. Even though we have tried to improve in the quality of health and social care as a result of regular inspections there are still with staff turnover and staff shortages this can lead to the staff rushing what they are doing with results in them ignoring the policies and procedures, this can lead to a risk of injury or accidents. Pay rates are low for early years workers and health and social care assistants, they are often only paid the minimum wage this can make people feel undervalued and make them less likely to follow policies and procedures. When there are staff shortages it can cause staff to be expected to do overtime, being a care worker or being in care work is physically and mentally demanding and too much of it is likely to cause staff to not perform to the best of their abilities, the more tired the staff are the more likely they are to make mistakes like miscalculating medication does, they will be less alert which could lead to them missing a sign that someone is ill. Stress is another reason of staff shortages, stress can be shown in many different ways people suffer from anxiety, sleep problems, digestive disorders, high blood pressure, and mood swings. None of these are good for a member of staff to be suffering with, it can lead to all sorts of problems in the health and social care setting. The vacancy rates for health and social care are higher than any other employment sectors in England, many care homes cannot recruit sufficient staff, and the shortages of staff have an impact of the quality of care given to those in the environment. Hazardous working practices The jobs you do when caring for people are called working practices. They include: 1. Moving and handling 2. Preparing food 3. Changing nappies 4. Giving injections/supervising 5. Giving injections 6. Supervising individuals with challenging behaviour You should always follow the procedures correctly because if you do not you can out yourself and others at harm. Care workers still suffer injuries related to moving people they care for even despite the manual handling regulations 1992. It was reported in 2003 that 80,000 nurses sustain back injuries at work each year, one third of all reported accidents involve moving and handling. The main hazards with moving and handling are that the handler may slip or trip over, stand in an awkward position, twist and overstretch, this can cause the handler to have neck or back pain, it can cause strain, and sprain or they could fracture a bone this could happen to either the handler or individual. They could end up with a permanent disability. Hazardous security systems Security systems are to keep staff and individuals safe from intruders, security systems are fitted in most health and social care settings. Residential homes normally keep the main door locked and only the people there have special keys and there family, or you have to buzz to get in. although this is a good thing, it could also be a bad thing as in fires it could waste time that could possibly save lives. All confidential information about the residents is withheld on the computer system and should be password protected all the filing cabinets should also be kept locked at all times. Section 2. Residential care There are different types of residential care homes, those for the older generation, people with disabilities and children who are looked after. In each of these settings health and safety has to taken extremely seriously, the carers have to make sure that the residents can escape in a fire, they have to make sure they are not putting one another in danger and that infections do not spread. It is important that the residents are informed about keeping themselves and others safe. In some of the residential homes the residents can come and go as they please but in a place where there may be little children or people that are confused that would not be allowed. They could put themselves in danger of getting ran over or hurt themselves. In winter time or in the colder weather, if they cannot find their way back or they don’t want to go back they could develop hypothermia. Child minder Settings where there are children should be very safe. Little children are curious and want to see and touch everything, they put things into their mouths lie toys or objects, this can cause them to choke or if they swallow a liquid such as a cleaning detergent they could be poisoned. They could open a gate and go wandering, cupboards, drawers could be opened which have poisonous substances in them, and they could climb and get stuck or distressed. When working in a preschool setting you have to be constantly vigilant and always alert and on the lookout for anything dangerous. Staffs is responsible for all activities the children take part in and therefore have to ensure that they are safe and not hazardous. Public environment Most parks are away from busy roads but there are a few which aren’t, in his case there is a danger of the child opening the gate and running out into the road, you have to watch your child at all times to ensure the safety of him/her. You also have to be vigilant of those in the park also, as there could be bigger children which could run into the child. Also if there is a skate park where the older children and teenagers chill you have to be careful for any empty glass bottles, also if older people are unsteady on their feet this can create a hazard for them. Sometimes people like to vandalize the park equipment and leave it in a dangerous state if you are looking after a child you should always check the park equipment before allowing your child on, this can easily stop an accident which may have happened. You may also have to asses if the child is age appropriate, if not you shouldn’t let the child on it in case of an injury, parks do have an impact absorbing floor normally which cushions the child’s fall, but accidents can still happen and you should always keep a close eye on your child. Some parks are frequente d by drug abusers; they may leave needles on the ground which would be extremely harmful to young children, so it would be a good idea to scan the ground. Dog owners tend to walk their dogs in the parks, dog faeces is a threat to children. There is such thing as toxicara which is a roundworm that can be present in dog faeces; this can potentially result in total blindness in one or both eyes. Parks are an idea place to take children to allow them to get some exercise and socialise with other children. Section 3 * Those receiving care, link to an older person and a young child: Young children are unable to recognize hazards themselves, their coordination is still developing. If substances are left lying around the child could get hold of them, this could lead to devastating consequences or even fatal, the child could be poisoned. You should always put locks on drawers and cupboards to ensure the children cannot get hold of hazardous substances. If things are left lying around such as toys a child could get hold of it and put it into their mouths if it too small or a toy is broken the child could choke. An older person could walk into things if they have limited vision or the lights are not bright enough. You should always make sure that the care setting is suitable and fits the residents needs. The main doors should always be locked in case there are residents who are confused, they may try to leave. An older person can be harmed if they need to be lifted into a bath or onto a bed, care should be taken when handling individuals and procedures should always be followed correctly. Workers in a setting: Workers sometimes come across Violent service users, this can put them at harm and they can be hurt. They could potentially fracture a bone. There may be faulty equipment which could be hazardous to the service provider as if they are lifting a service user and the equipment is broken the whole weight could be out on them and themselves and the individual could hurt themselves. If there is a shortage of staff and it is very busy the workers could feel stressed, stress can cause them to have anxiety and lack of sleep. If a member staff has had lack of sleep this will cause them to feel tired and they may not be als alert as they should be which can cause harm to themselves and the individual. If there are staff shortages tsome members of staff will be asked to work overtime, this can cause them to feel tired which again means that are not as vigilant as they would be. Support staff (eg caterers, cleaners, administrative), Cleaners are at a risk of being harmed by hazardous waste, if someone has soiled there bed sheets the cleaners have to take the sheets off the bed and put it into the wash, they come into contact with it which means germs can be passed. They also have to clean after someone has been sick again they can catch a bug or become unwell. Cleaners have to dispose of used dressing and needles they could catch an infection if they come into with them. * Visitors (eg relatives, friends, volunteers) Visitors need to be signed in and out in case of fires, if there was a fire and they are not signed in no one would know that they are there and they could at risk of being trapped in the building. Visitors are also at risk of catching infections or any bugs that are going around within the care setting. They should be informed of any infections before they visit. *

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay -- Philosophy of Teaching Statement

Philosophy of Education One of the most privileged professions in the world today is teaching. Teachers can influence the youth of a culture in a way no one else can. Teachers have the honorable responsibility of education. Students develop mentally, socially, and ethically within the realm of academic education. While in this critical stage of development, students are given the laboratory of the classroom to test themselves in ways that are more risky after graduation. Teachers play a crucial role in this laboratory. I believe that the most important way I can serve my students while fulfilling this role is to have positive expectations, to continually reflect on my teaching habits and performance, and to use literature as a way to empower my students to be successful personally and professionally. I believe each student should be treated as an individual, and positive expectations should guide my interaction with each individual. Students have the potential and capability to achieve the highest success, and I will treat each of them with this in mind. Students should always believe this about themselves, and they are not going to unless others believe it with them. The development of a student’s self worth is very important during the middle and high school years. I believe many students fail academically because they don’t believe they are able to succeed, or they don’t value their success academically. These students need positive reinforcement and high expectations. Some students are set up to fail before they even enter the school building; a poor home environment can have negative effects on a student’s self worth and ability to study. These students need understanding, accommodations, and positive encourage... ...o help them make their own responsible decisions. After all, in a few years, they will be completely independent and should have practiced making their own decisions. I want to encourage my students to form their opinions about the choices they want to make through sound experiences and information before they get in the specific situations, thus making more informed and thoughtful decisions "in the moment." While entertaining the issues of culture itself, I would like to equip my students with the tools needed to read, write, comprehend, and verbally articulate their well-formulated ideas. By embedding the grammar, writing, reading, and critical thinking skills within the teaching of a a relative text, I hope to stretch the minds of my students more than just academically, but even in their development as a person. Literature can reach students in ways that I cannot.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Environmental Ethics: Not Beneficial Anymore Essay

Environmental problems stemming from the human population, pollution, conservation of resources, and preservation of species are complex and difficult to resolve. Increasingly, it is understood that one difficulty of resolving them is due to the fact that they are fundamentally problems of ethics that possess broad descriptions and characteristics (Alexander and Fairbridge 1999 294). Thus, one sometimes hears the accusation that some self-proclaimed environmental ethicists are not really environmental ethicist at all since their speculations on the rights of future generations to a healthy environment represent more than extensions of inter-human ethics (Cooper & James 2005 3). Environmental ethics has more often focused on public benefits and public harms. In such scenario, individual’s autonomy is quite often seen as a source of harms, and there has been a steadily increasing emphasis on the consequent need to limit individual’s autonomy (O’Neill 2002 4). Environmental ethics is a relatively new field of philosophical ethics concerned with describing the values carried by the non-human natural world or basically the natura flora and fauna itself, and prescribing an appropriate ethical response to ensure preservation or restoration of those ethical values (Light and Rolston, 2002 1). In a strict sense, environmental ethics is concerned with three areas of inquiry concerning our relationship with the environment: (a) meta-ethics involves clarification method for answering morality queries; (b) normative ethics concerns the determination of what moral principles are valid and how we ought to act; and lastly, (c) empirical ethics focuses on what facts are necessary and relevant to inform our moral questions (Alexander and Fairbridge 1999 294). This often urgent concern arises especially in view of threats to nature posed largely by humans. These threats are both to other humans and to non-humans/nature, placing in jeopardy the communities of life on Earth (Light and Rolston, 2002 1). More broadly speaking, environmental ethics seek a reunification of humans with nature. Consequently, they draw upon more fields of inquiry than merely philosophy (Alexander and Fairbridge 1999 294; Light and Rolston, 2002 1). Environmental Ethics: Climatic Changes  Remarkably, the current definition of environmental ethics excludes problems of environmental justice within the very nature itself, the generations both present and future, and problems of intergenerational fairness from the discipline of environmental ethics (Light and Katz 1996 119). Climatic changes are vastly increasing its phase, particularly global warming and the changes that it brings. Environmental policies to correct such scenario are very much unorganized and lesser attention is placed into. Especially for those communities that do experience little part of the afflicting climatic change, the tendency is to act-out or save-face for play-safe mechanisms. The concept of environmental scope lies more on human-centered instead of climatic problems themselves; hence, the ethical scope produces lesser effect to correct the problems that occur in the environment. Climatic changes are vastly covering the conditions of our society but invisible to little acts are being made. Some think that environmental ethical policies should be evaluated solely on the basis of how they affect humans. This entails a human-centered environmental ethics; although, for example, the classical utilitarians include animal suffering in their ethical calculation, a variant utilitarianism, which enjoins us to maximize the surplus of human happiness over human unhappiness depicting an actual human-centered approach (Singer 1991 285). The primary problems of environmental ethics nowadays are the macroethical character that causes differentiation of definitions and broad statement, and the human-centered link that deviates from the deontological concepts (Warren 2000 74; Singer 1991 285; Alexander and Fairbridge 1999 294). In one example the ethical policy for preservation of endangered species, and protection of those animals near extinction are very much known already since the problems have been widely recognized ever since. On the irony, the controversies about global warming and the climatic changes have been occurring even before the recognition of animal endangerments; however, little attention has been given to this problem of climatic change. The only time the condition in climatic changes has been recognized is during the time of its severe progression wherein the signs and symptoms of climatic changes have been vastly evident. The rationale of human being’s recognition of the environmental problem is only due to the point wherein human civilizations are effected by the problem. Unfortunately, the ethical approach of mankind over these problems is not even problem-oriented, which is nature-oriented, but rather, to protect themselves from the natural devastations caused by the problems they have created. Summary and Conclusion Environmental ethics in the present generation concerns the benefit of human civilization instead of the benefit of environmental aspect. The duty of mankind is to conceal the intrinsic character of the environment instead of playing-safe from the moral requirements by conducting ethical policies that only concerns human-sake. The focus on environmental approach should be the prime center of the ethics itself, and the benefit of man should be prioritized secondly. Let us view one example, the policy of green environment, which entails tree planting to counter logging system, is one example of a play-safe act. Practically speaking, logging benefits humans; however, with lesser tree sources do not justify the approval of environmental centers to continue the logging process granted that such program has been initiated. Trees take time to grow; hence, it would be much better to stop the logging process and utilize other areas instead of nearly depleting the resource area. The ethical considerations involved in this practice needs to change to a more deontological concept. The present policies involved are no longer beneficial to the environment and humans attempt to address climatic problems, since the entire focus is not the problem itself but those that are afflicted. Environmental ethics should change towards the benefit of the environment itself and more on humanities duties over it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Law and South African Education

The question here is whether the harm caused was unjustified in the circumstances. In the absence of wrongfulness (egg where there was no intention to harm) a defendant may not be held liable. 4 The act must be the result of fault in the form of intent (dolls) or negligence (culpa). Fault refers to the blameworthy attitude or conduct of someone who has acted wrongfully. (4) There is a causal link between the conduct of the perpetrator and the harm suffered by the victim. In general, it should be shown that the person's injury did result from the actions of the person charged with negligence.In other words, there must be a clear causal relationship between the act and the injury. A person cannot be liable if he or she has not caused any damage. (5) delicate is a wrongful and culpable act which has a harmful consequence. Damages (causing harm) in the form of patrimonial (material) loss or informational loss must be present. There must be a connection between the negligent conduct and t he injury (physical or mental). To receive an award for damages, a plaintiff must have suffered an injury as a result of the defendant's negligent conduct. The plaintiff must prove that some damage occurred.Although the injury or damage does not need to be bestial for an award to be ordered, the injury must be real rather than imagined. The courts are generally reluctant to award damages where there is not some form of injury. Educators may be found guilty of negligence if they fail to provide proper supervision fail to aid the injured or ill permit learners to play unsafe games fail to provide adequate instructions take unreasonable risks fail to organize field trips properly All these elements must be taken into consideration when answering the question. Ask questions such as, who was wrong, who is liable and why?Support your answer tit the requirements for dedicate liability as stated above. TOEHOLD/202 5 Question 2. 2 Comment on the possibility of â€Å"contributory fault† on the part of the learner. In this case negligence is one form of fault. A negligent educator might not be held liable if a learner contributed to the injury by his or her own negligence. In other words, if a learner fails to exercise the degree of care usually expected of a person of that age, knowledge and experience the court may decide that owing to the learner's contributory negligence/fault, the educator is not solely liable for damages resulting from an injury by his or her act.Contributory negligence could be important in situations involving older learners, especially if such learners understand the full implications of their actions. On the other hand, young children cannot be expected to fully comprehend the consequences of some of their actions and behavior. Comments: There have already been a number of cases involving sport in South African legal history. The principles of the law of delicate apply to sport as they would to any other scenario in society.This would re late to 3 possible areas, namely, personal injury, violence and spectator injury The law of delicate is a section of private law. This branch of law deals with civil wrongs against another person that cause the injured party to go to court to seek compensation from the wrongdoer for damages. If an educator creates a potentially dangerous situation, and then fails to remove the danger, which then results in loss or damage being caused to another, he/she will be held liable for such loss or damage.A legal duty rests on the educator to prevent the potential danger from becoming a real danger. A delicate has 5 key elements that must be present. These are: (a) An act; (b) Wrongfulness; (c) Fault; (d) Damage/Loss (e) Causation. Each of these elements must be present before a person can be held liable in delicate. 6 In participating voluntarily in a game, the victim therefore consents to the possibility of injury and limits the possibility of pursuing a dialectal claim. Thus, contributory negligence involves some form of fault (in the form of negligence) on the part of the injured person.The injured person failed to exercise the required standard of care for his or her own safety. Contributory negligence comes into play when conduct on the part of the injured person contributes to his or her injuries. When the court has to determine the damages, it will reduce the damages apportioned to the plaintiff in proportion to his or her own fault (e. G. Contribution to his or her own injuries) In , the law does not expect educators to anticipate every accident, but I them to behave as reasonable people.It is easy to anticipate the poss. of an accident involving educators and children if a group of children supervised, if a minibus that transports children is not maintained or equipment is not properly stored. Only in the case of a truly unexpected be possible to assert that it was not reasonable to foresee harm. To educator can reasonably be expected to foresee dangers and an ticipate depend on the facts of the case and on the circumstances (e. G. The n school activity, the location of the school or the age of the learners).In you will need to be able to: define and explain education and legal concepts and principles identify and explain the purpose of important legislation discuss and interpret the relevant sections of the South African Echo discuss and apply common law principles to practical situations (egg t natural Justice, memo dudes in USA cause and stare decides principle) illustrate your answers by referring to examples from education practice 2. 4 Reading and interpreting questions

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography and Profile of Susan Rice

Biography and Profile of Susan Rice Name: Susan Elizabeth Rice Position: Nominated as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations by then President-elect Barack Obama on December 1, 2008 Born: November 17, 1964 in Washington, DC Education: Graduated National Cathedral School in Washington, DC in 1982 Undergraduate: Stanford University, B.A. in History, 1986. Graduate: Rhodes Scholar, New College, Oxford University, M.Phil., 1988 Oxford University, D.Phil. (Ph.D) in International Relations, 1990 Family Background Influences: Susan was born to Emmett J. Rice, Senior VP at the National Bank of Washington and Lois Dickson Rice, Senior VP for Government Affairs at Control Data Corporation. A Fulbright Scholar who served with the Tuskegee Airmen in WWII, Emmett integrated the Berkeley Fire Department as its first black fireman while earning a Ph.D. at the University of California; taught economics at Cornell as the only black assistant professor; and was a governor of the Federal Reserve from 1979-1986. A Radcliffe graduate, Lois was a former VP of the College Board and chaired an advisory council of the National Science Foundation. High School College Years: At the elite private girls school that Rice attended, she was nicknamed Spo (short for Sportin); she played three sports, was student council president and valedictorian. At home, the family entertained distinguished friends such as Madeleine Albright, who would later become the first female Secretary of State. At Stanford, Rice studied hard yet made her mark via political activism. To protest apartheid, she established a fund for alumni gifts with a catch - the funds could only be accessed if the university divested from companies conducting business with South Africa, or if apartheid were abolished. Professional Career: Senior foreign policy adviser to Senator Obama, 2005-08 Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy, Global Economy Development, Brookings Institution, 2002-present Senior adviser for National Security Affairs, Kerry-Edwards campaign, 2004 Managing Director Principal of Intellibridge International, 2001-02 Management consultant, McKinsey Company, 1991-93 Clinton Administration: Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, 1997-2001 Special Assistant to the President Senior Director for African Affairs, National Security Council (NSC), 1995-97 Director for International Organizations Peacekeeping, NSC, 1993-95 Political Career: While working on the presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis, an aide encouraged Rice to consider the National Security Council as a future career path. She began her stint with the NSC in peacekeeping and was soon promoted to senior director for African affairs. When she was named Assistant Secretary of State for Africa by President Bill Clinton at age 32, she became one of the youngest ever to hold that position. Her responsibilities included overseeing the actions of more than 40 nations and 5000 foreign service officials. Her appointment was regarded with skepticism by some US bureaucrats who cited her youth and inexperience; in Africa, concerns over cultural differences and her ability to deal effectively with traditional African male heads of state were raised. Yet Rices skill as a charming but firm negotiator and her unflagging determination have aided her in difficult situations. Even critics acknowledge her strengths; one prominent Africa scholar has called her dynamic, a quick study, and good on her feet. If confirmed as US ambassador, Susan Rice will be the second-youngest ambassador to the UN. Honors Awards: Co-recipient of the White House’s 2000 Samuel Nelson Drew Memorial Award for distinguished contributions to the formation of peaceful, cooperative relationships between states. Awarded the Chatham House-British International Studies Association Prize for the most distinguished doctoral dissertation in the UK in the field of International Relations. Personal Life: Susan Rice married Ian Cameron on September 12, 1992 in Washington, DC; the two met while at Stanford. Cameron is executive producer of ABC Newss This Week with George Stephanopoulos. The couple have two young children. Sources: Berman, Russell. Meet Obamas Tenacious, Take Charge Dr. Rice., 28 January 2008.Brant, Martha. Into Africa. Stanford Magazine at, January/February 2000.Brookings Experts: Senior Fellow Susan E. Rice., retrieved 1 December 2008.Emmett J. Rice, Education of an Economist: From Fulbright Scholar to the Federal Reserve Board, 1951-1979. University of California Black Alumni Series, transcript of an interview conducted 18 May 1984.Stanford Alumni: Black Community Services Center Hall of Fame., retrieved 1 December 2008.Times Topics: Susan E. Rice., retrieved 1 December 2008.WEDDINGS; Susan E. Rice, Ian Cameron.  New York Times, 13 September 1992.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Plaster of Paris Exothermic Reaction Can Cause Serious Burns

Plaster of Paris Exothermic Reaction Can Cause Serious Burns You may have read a while back about how a school in Lincolnshire (UK) was fined  £20,000 for failing to report a tragic accident in which a girl essentially lost her hands after immersing them in plaster of Paris to make a mold for an art project. Plaster of Paris is used in a lot of art and science projects, often very casually, though it is a potentially hazardous chemical. First off, plaster of Paris, which is calcium sulfate hemihydrate, may contain silica and asbestos as impurities. Both of these materials are capable of causing permanent lung damage and other ailments if inhaled. Second, and more significantly, plaster of Paris mixes with water in an exothermic reaction. In the Lincolnshire accident, the 16-year-old girl was seriously burned when she immersed her hands in a bucket of plaster of Paris mixture. She was unable to remove her hands from the setting plaster, which may have reached 60 °C. Now, Im not saying you shouldnt play with plaster of Paris. Its great for making geodes and molds and for many other projects. Its safe for kids to use, but only if they are aware of and can follow the proper safety precautions for working with that chemical: Wear a mask when working with dry plaster to prevent inhalation of the calcium sulfate or impurities which may be present in the powder.Wear gloves when working with plaster of Paris and avoid situations where your skin might be in contact with the plaster.Avoid washing plaster of Paris down the drain, since the plaster can set up in the plumbing. When its used properly, plaster of Paris is a useful chemical to have around. Just be careful.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The offence of bad language - Emphasis

The offence of bad language The offence of bad language Finally, a House of Commons report that is a cause for celebration. This is Bad Language: the Use and Abuse of Official Language the result of an investigation into the many ways in which politicians and civil servants may baffle and intimidate readers with their use of jargon-heavy, euphemism-filled waffle. By making such official documents virtually unreadable, the report points out, the public is effectively denied access to political policies that affect them. The committee behind the report are planning to crack down on perpetrators by issuing penalties for instances where poor use of language has damaging results, like a person failing to receive benefits or services they are entitled to. And while their plan is to refer to the offence of bad political language by the rather jargon-y term maladministration, we really cant do anything but applaud these announcements.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Flat Woods On Top Of the Hill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Flat Woods On Top Of the Hill - Essay Example The year 1938 foster the town's transformation where it was incorporated under the name Flatwoods and correspondingly, the post office carries its new name. The newly named town is named after the areas of original topography which consists of a belt of flat wooded land, approximately sixty feet in elevation, which runs parallel to the Ohio River. This quiet and charming town was once rolling farmland with green gardens and active pastures. The people are ever so hard working and maintain a closely knit relationship among each other. It was a harmonious town where people help each other in life as in the death of a family. Aside from these, the people likewise enjoy hearty meals together over succulent dishes of foods. My fondest memory of the place was Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn. The Wilburns lived at the top of my street in a charming old farmhouse. The couple had lived in Flatwoods all their lives. It has been said that Mr. Wilburn had moved in the neighborhood of Flatwoods at around 1910. As a child, he has been my depiction of the way life has been. His large overpowering farmhouse stood majestically across our modest home. He drove his antique Model-T Ford around town like it was the newest thing from Detroit. He and his wife were kind and giving people. I particularly enjoyed visiting them at night in their porch where they would animatedly tell stories of the old times. The old man at 70, does not show any sign of aging as he lovingly tends to his overflowing fruits and vegetable garden. Being the kind-hearted couple that they were, they always gave us fruits and vegetables like apples and tomatoes, which in turn we bring home to our parents. Aside from this, another neighbor's house used to be a church. I have lived in Wilburn Street, which was named after the kind-hearted couple. My family's redwood ranch style house is with a small front yard, but with a large fenced-in backyard which sat on a dead end gravel street. The huge back yard is surrounded with healthy green oak trees and scented bushes, a perfect place to be one with nature or just spend a quiet afternoon with a book or sharing the afternoon sun playing games with friends. The house looked bigger than it really was because of the attached two car garage. There were large picture windows in the front that rose to the sky with flower boxes stretching around the house, such an ideal place for family bonding and get together. I have been blessed with a wonderful family.  Ã‚  

Creative Writing, write a complete story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Creative Writing, write a complete story - Essay Example She moaned softly. Thank god for plush leather sofas, she said to herself. These parties always went on a few hours longer than they ought. People began to fidget, not knowing whether to leave or stay on, they stalled from minute to minute trying to decide whether they wanted to leave or stay on. The boisterous drunk trying to make conversation for everyone, the depressive ones staring stonily at nothingness, and the sober ones shiftily eyeing each other and the clock on the wall overhead; she smiled again, her lips curling up into that ironic twist that had made her so infamous around the office. The Snarky Bitch: that’s who she was. They thought she didn’t know, but she could tell. She could tell from the abrupt stop in conversations when she walked in, the knowing smiles they exchanged when she left, those infuriating little inside-jokes they would laugh about in her presence. She’d realized right away that she was never going to be welcome here, and had decided to make it her job to be as abrasive as possible. She wasn’t welcome, was she? Well, she didn’t want to be! She covered her eyes with her hands and tried to calm down. It had been two months here, she ought to have gotten used to it by now. Fragments of conversation began to float in. She froze and almost involuntarily, began to listen. â€Å"But of course, metaphysical poetry must necessarily be read in its contextualized framework of the period that is commonly called – but it is a gross error to call it so, although this is open to much debate, something I talk about in my last book, you know. Yes what was I saying? – The Renaissance. I mean someone like Donne, aspiring courtier, flamboyant in his romances –† Here the speaker paused to drain his glass, before continuing, â€Å"But of course, people like Rowling are very over-rated. I mean what has she really contributed beyond some copying and bringing together bits and pieces of

Friday, October 18, 2019

One HUndred Years of Solitude Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

One HUndred Years of Solitude - Essay Example Depicting seven generations of people, Marquez critically examines their values nad traditions as the main issues of culture and political life. For instance, the Macondoans' reactions are not merely inappropriate or out of proportion to the strangeness of the events, they are actually inverted. On the one hand, the gypsies flying carpet and Remedios the Beauty's ascension into heaven are regarded as normal everyday occur rences; on the other hand, the natural phenomenon of ice and the all-too-explicable massacre of demonstrators appear implausible, paranormal, too fantastic to be believed. Thus, in Macondo not only does the fantastic become banal but, by a kind of chiasmus, the banal also becomes fantastic. Neverthe less, the dialogue between the normal and the paranormal still continues in One Hundred Years of Solitude, although their relative positions have been reversed. The work is particularly relevant to fiction in that it reaches conclusions about the oppressive nature of mod ern society through direct confrontation with the ideology that formerly had been the inspiration for numerous political visions. Marquez uses satire and acute irony to unveil totalitarian traditions of his society.

Thank you for Smoking the comedy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thank you for Smoking the comedy - Essay Example In my opinion, the movie â€Å"Thank you for Smoking† has applied agenda setting to capture the public’s attention on the smoking behavior, which is the issue of concern in this movie. In this movie, Nick, a lobbyist for alcohol and pro-gun association is connected to the merchants of death squad and the media paints him as a public enemy and he loses his job. In another incidence, Nick visits Jeff, a marketer and questions him about the incorporation of cigarettes in films and its moral implication. By making frequent address to the moral integrity of Jeff, Reitman poses a challenge to the public to identify the ethical concerns of cigarette smoking, which I feel is an agenda well set up. Diffusion of Innovations Diffusion of innovations is a theoretical explanation for the mechanisms and the speed through which information is relayed in a society set up through the available communications channels (Rogers 49). One of the major role players in the information diffusion process in the social systems is the opinion leaders who have a high level control of flow information. This category of people is close to information sources and has many followers who are willing to obtain information from them. Therefore, opinion leaders will make a judgmental decision and pass information innovatively to their followers given that they have the power to control information flow between the people. They form the category of early adopters who receive more attention from the public as opposed to laggards who form the least innovative group. Laggards are ignored by the media since they are the conservative group that adopts the innovation very late and have little followers. In the comedy ‘Thank you f or Smoking’, I feel that Nick plays the role of an early adopter in the entire film by forming part of the social system that can access first-hand information in the society. The whole public has all its eyes set upon him as he meticulously convinces Jeff on his moral implication of advertising cigarettes. When he struggles to convince his 12 year old Joey he points out that he is not actually after convincing his son, but the public on the need for moral flexibility. By rolling out information on the media concerning the use of tobacco I find him a rather excellent first adopter. Today, the public has over a hundred alcohol commodity choices and well over thirty cigarette varieties to choose from. The media coverage of alcohol, cigarettes and guns has intensified and has paid attention to the elite in the societies to pass information to the societies, as a strategy to engage innovation diffusion to hammer critical issues in the society. Knowledge Gap Hypothesis The knowled ge gap hypothesis refers to the diversity of the economic status of the society and how it influences their ability to access information from the media. The poor in the society have little contact with media information while the rich access the most current information (Hwang and Jeong 535). Given the power that comes along with information, I believe that those who acquire information first benefit more that those who receive it when it is almost obsolete. In this view, I feel that it is a political necessity to care for the poor by bridging the information gap that exists in the social systems. Films such as ‘

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Collaboration Systems at Isuzu Australia Limited Case Study

Collaboration Systems at Isuzu Australia Limited - Case Study Example The first step is to look at whether or not the company’s network can handle the increased bandwidth that will be used by the groupware itself; if not, additional steps will need to be taken in order to either upgrade the network that the company is on, or increase the amount of available bandwidth they have by obtaining a second account for company internet, increasing the plan that the company is on, or if the company is not obtaining their internet from a third party, reconfiguring the current network to increase available bandwidth.Once the bandwidth allocations of the network can handle the requirements of the groupware, the next step is to ensure that there is an intranet in place, or if not, to establish one. An intranet is a local or restricted communications network, especially a private network that is created using world wide web software. An intranet will allow for â€Å"a chance to streamline internal communication and collaboration† (Taylor, 1997); it is t hrough the use of the intranet that the groupware can be established across all different branches or locations.Though these are just two of the issues that may be faced with the companywide implementation of groupware, the issues themselves may be quickly resolved in order to ensure the modernization of a well-run company. Many people who use Sharepoint Servers use the terms â€Å"dashboard† and â€Å"scorecard† interchangeably, â€Å"but there is a significant difference between them† (Microsoft 2013)....Though these are just two of the issues that may be faced with the companywide implementation of groupware, the issues themselves may be quickly resolved in order to ensure the modernization of a well-run company. Explain the differences between dashboards and scorecards and propose ways Isuzu Australia Limited could use them Many people who use Sharepoint Servers use the terms â€Å"dashboard† and â€Å"scorecard† interchangeably, â€Å"but the re is a significant difference between them† (Microsoft, 2013). To best understand the differences between the two terms and how they could be best implemented at Isuzu Australia Limited, the terms themselves must be fully understood. A scorecard â€Å"is a type of report that displays a collection of key performance indicators (KPIs) together with performance targets for each KPI†¦it measures performance against goals† (Microsoft, 2013). A dashboard is â€Å"a container for a related group of scorecard and report views that are organized together in a SharePoint site† (Microsoft, 2013). In other words, a dashboard is made up of scorecards, and the scorecards themselves contain the information regarding the organization’s performance at a specific point in time. Isuzu Australia Limited could setup a SharePoint server in order to use the technology, allowing them to create scorecards that show them where they are from a business standpoint in terms of where they want to be. This can track any particular aspect of the business, from employee productivity, progress on a particular project, or even sales and revenue. This will allow Isuzu Australia Limited to be able to see at any given

Freedom and autonomy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Freedom and autonomy - Term Paper Example The growth of freedom culminates in an individual’s full acceptance of the political rule of the state, because the ideals of mutual recognition are naturally engraved in the constitution of the sovereign state (Hegel 22). In other words, the basic interest or self-identity of every individual is attributed with ethical value in the general legitimacy and wisdom of the state. Hegel hence places the will to freedom in the historically actual agency of the supreme state. Hegel believes that the state represents the realization of social freedom. This essay analyzes the argument of Hegel that freedom is only possible within the state. The Hegelian Idea of Freedom Hegel argues that the final stage of consciousness, which he largely associates with national consciousness, is the acceptance that human beings are naturally free. According to Hegel, it is only through the nation-state—which he defines as a cultural aggregation of people—that freedom is realized. Hegel ma kes use of the concept ‘rational’ to refer to aspects that advance freedom; in history, the advancement of freedom expresses itself through the nation-state. The importance of a state does not depend on its distinctiveness or individuality that should then be safeguarded at all costs. A nation-state is an institution within which individuals can better attain freedom. Nation-states and their different features are exercised by world spirit to realize an increasingly actual achievement of freedom (Hegel 101-102). This advancement of freedom, Hegel argues, occurs in phases because different states embody different phases of the realization of freedom. A particular state can merely represent one phase of world history. Once the role of a state in world history has ended, it ceases to be a part of world history. And it also ceases to guarantee individual freedom. According to Hegel, only nation-states can play a role in world history. He argues that world history only conce rns nation-states because nation-states are the only means toward freedom. World history is the story of humankind’s movement toward freedom. Hegel believes that the objective of world history is for every individual to attain real freedom. Freedom can only be realized through the state, specifically, in a society where the wellbeing of individuals is embraced but individuals also create their own goals on behalf of the greater good (Hegel 22). Therefore a world-historical nation is an assemblage of culturally connected individuals, enclosed in a state, which further promotes the realization of freedom. According to Hegel, nations that have not played a role in world history have no history in this regard. He then tried to determine whether nations have played a role in the achievement of freedom. Hegel shows how the individual remains autonomous in a state. He uses the concept of recognition as a central ideal for evaluating the legitimacy of the state and other social insti tutions. Individuals should feel and see that their interests are respected and integrated in their institutions, which consequently strengthens their enthusiasm to relate to and give up certain privileges for the benefit of these institutions (Hegel 44-45). Hegel identifies in the notion of recognition an essence of ordering a system of social institutions, progressing from situations of unfreedom through a string of negotiations that promote the utmost

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Collaboration Systems at Isuzu Australia Limited Case Study

Collaboration Systems at Isuzu Australia Limited - Case Study Example The first step is to look at whether or not the company’s network can handle the increased bandwidth that will be used by the groupware itself; if not, additional steps will need to be taken in order to either upgrade the network that the company is on, or increase the amount of available bandwidth they have by obtaining a second account for company internet, increasing the plan that the company is on, or if the company is not obtaining their internet from a third party, reconfiguring the current network to increase available bandwidth.Once the bandwidth allocations of the network can handle the requirements of the groupware, the next step is to ensure that there is an intranet in place, or if not, to establish one. An intranet is a local or restricted communications network, especially a private network that is created using world wide web software. An intranet will allow for â€Å"a chance to streamline internal communication and collaboration† (Taylor, 1997); it is t hrough the use of the intranet that the groupware can be established across all different branches or locations.Though these are just two of the issues that may be faced with the companywide implementation of groupware, the issues themselves may be quickly resolved in order to ensure the modernization of a well-run company. Many people who use Sharepoint Servers use the terms â€Å"dashboard† and â€Å"scorecard† interchangeably, â€Å"but there is a significant difference between them† (Microsoft 2013)....Though these are just two of the issues that may be faced with the companywide implementation of groupware, the issues themselves may be quickly resolved in order to ensure the modernization of a well-run company. Explain the differences between dashboards and scorecards and propose ways Isuzu Australia Limited could use them Many people who use Sharepoint Servers use the terms â€Å"dashboard† and â€Å"scorecard† interchangeably, â€Å"but the re is a significant difference between them† (Microsoft, 2013). To best understand the differences between the two terms and how they could be best implemented at Isuzu Australia Limited, the terms themselves must be fully understood. A scorecard â€Å"is a type of report that displays a collection of key performance indicators (KPIs) together with performance targets for each KPI†¦it measures performance against goals† (Microsoft, 2013). A dashboard is â€Å"a container for a related group of scorecard and report views that are organized together in a SharePoint site† (Microsoft, 2013). In other words, a dashboard is made up of scorecards, and the scorecards themselves contain the information regarding the organization’s performance at a specific point in time. Isuzu Australia Limited could setup a SharePoint server in order to use the technology, allowing them to create scorecards that show them where they are from a business standpoint in terms of where they want to be. This can track any particular aspect of the business, from employee productivity, progress on a particular project, or even sales and revenue. This will allow Isuzu Australia Limited to be able to see at any given

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Startups. Young Entrepreneurs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Startups. Young Entrepreneurs - Essay Example And of course there are the "children" that refuse to be seen as incapable members of the society and by chance or knowledge they make it work in the very competitive business market, hit the screen and make a fortune even from their adolescence. This is the case of two young entrepreneurs that share their secret and how they cracked the market. The first case is the one of Dominic McVey. He started his business around the age of 13, when boys have dreams of driving anything that moves. He is now 19 and his business still goes one and flourishes. There could be said that his story is one of sheer luck, but the fact is that he took advantage of a simple fact that happened in his life. By mistake, when he was looking for a Visa credit card, he introduced the word "Viza", which is a brand of scooters. As a young boy he wanted one for himself, but knew that neither he, nor his parents had the money to buy one. He dared to write them an e-mail through which he requested a free one, with the promise that he could sell much more in his town. The answer from the company was that if he bought five, he would get one for free. McVey was not a complete stranger in the field of business and he started gathering the money from different sources, like organizing parties and selling various things on the internet. When he finally got the si x scooters, a new business opportunity opened for him. He sold the five scooters to friends and family and within a week he sold other ten ones. From there the sky was the limit. Some people said that Dominic's business was sheer luck, but when we hear the version of his promotion there are some clear strategies that he followed in order to be successful on a large scale. One of the strong points of Dominic was his great persuasive manner of presenting the product. He admits that "I was very, very competitive. I guess I was very mouthy about other products out there, but all the others out there were crap and expensive." He proved to have a good knowledge of the product and at first he had a great direct marketing strategy, which involved a personal touch and contact with the customers. This touch brought him in the center of attention both for the press and the people in general. The fact that he was liked by the press proved to be essential in his business, as he got the kind of promotion and advertising he never thought to achieve before. Even if as a child he got bored of his scooter, he did not stop selling them. He thought of a way of promoting his pro duct through flyers and was not discouraged when he was chased around by security or the traffic safety people started to be unhappy with so many scooters. His customers had different backgrounds, from the businessmen that bought them as toys, to the persons that used them to commute to their work place. One of the problems that Dominic faced was obviously his age. He managed to overcome this by working mostly on the internet and on the phone. He had good presentations made by his friends and practically this was all he needed. The big companies tended to see him as the little brother and found it a pleasure to share information with his. Anyhow the great advantage of the business was that all the money was his and the only things that were needed to be paid were the phone and internet bills. For Dominic technology filled the gap. The internet marketing strategy worked out. Anyhow, McVey is for now not taking into

Monday, October 14, 2019

Culture and packaging Essay Example for Free

Culture and packaging Essay Packaging is considered to be an integral part of the product and is the first point of contact with the brand for a consumer product. So, most of the companies that do business internationally redesign their packages for each market. The principle reason is that expectations and utilizations of consumers vary across cultures. The world’s two leading industrial powers, U. S. and Japan have almost opposite approaches to packaging. Packaging is recognized as an expression of culture in Japan and designed to be appreciated, whereas in America cultural aspect is largely ignored and packaging is calculated to be accepted. Foods that only Japanese eat have beautiful, traditionally designed wrappings that resemble handmade paper or leaves and accommodate scan able bar codes. Such products look Japanese and are intended to do so. Products that are foreign, such as coffee, look foreign even to the point of having only Roman lettering on the can. We speak of global villages and international markets, but packages reveal some unexpected cultural boundaries. Few examples of such cultural implication of packaging are- Canadians prefer to drink milk out of flexible plastic pouches that fit into reusable plastic holders while Americans are believed to be so resistant to the idea that they have not been given the opportunity to do so, Japanese consumers prefer packages that contain two tennis balls and view the standard U. S. package of three as cheap and undesirable, Germans insist on highly detailed technical specifications on packages of videotapes, while Americans don’t, Swedes consider blue Colour of packaging as masculine whereas Dutch consider it to be feminine and so on. (Eric, J. A. et al. , 2004, p. 298) Culture Packaging Colour Schmitt and Simpson (1997) states, Colour is one of the many marketing tools that global managers use to create, maintain, and modify brand images in customers’ minds while Schmitt and Pan (1994) discovers, Colour is also an important component of many corporate and brand-building cues, such as logos, packages, and displays. It is a commonality reflecting in the views of both the authors that- Colour is one of the major element which affects consumer perception regarding a brand. The research results show cross-cultural patterns of both similarity and dissimilarity in Colour preferences and Colour meaning associations. Colour used in packaging is equally important in determining a product’s desirability. â€Å"James Mandle, a Colour consultant, changed the Colour of Ty-D-Bol’s toilet bowl cleanser bottle from light and green to stark white letters on a dark background. He believed that the original Colours were â€Å"too wimpy† and that the new, bolder Colours would connote strength and cleanliness. In an 18 month period following the change of Colour, sales of Ty-D-Bol jumped 40% (Lane 1991). † (Thomas, J. M. et al. , 2000, p. 91) Packaging is not about Colour only there are various other factors involved in it. Factors like design shape of the package, text on the package and other factors of the packaging. But it is true that Colour is the most important attribute in terms of attracting the attention of the consumer. Packaging is not only made up of a single Colour but combination of Colours to create a brand image. So preferences in regard to combination of Colours also vary across cultures. Few examples of such combinations are of pairing Colours with green and red. The Colour best paired with green is yellow in Canada, Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan, blue in Columbia, and white in Austria. Only the Chinese and Taiwanese pair green with red as red is a potent Colour in China. In Brazil and the US people pair red with black, whereas in Canada, and China, the preferred combination with red is yellow. ( Mooij and Marieke K. de, 2004) Culture Packaging Information Packaging not only protects and contains a product but also provide the consumer with loads of information about the product such as its composition, correct use etc. For instance, packaging of foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals provides information regarding the name of the product, manufacturer, country of origin, â€Å"best before† date and expiry date, ingredients and additives or composition of drug along with quantity and price. Since packaging is subject to country-specific legislation so ear of legal action has made many companies in the US and the UK includes all sorts of warnings on label instructions on consumer goods. On bar of Dial soap: â€Å"Directions: Use like regular soap. † On a Sears hairdryer: â€Å"Do not use while sleeping. † On packaging for a Rowenta iron: â€Å"Do not iron clothes on body. † On Nytol sleep aid: â€Å"Warning: May cause drowsiness. † On a child’s Superman costume: â€Å"Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly. † On Sainsbury’s peanuts: â€Å"Warning: contains nuts. † On Marks Spencer bread pudding: â€Å"Product will be hot after heating. † On Boot’s child’s cough medicine:† Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication. † ( Mooij and Marieke K. de, 2004, p. 265) In the present scenario various countries have included packaging waste into hazardous matter to contribute in pollution. This led the government to adopt some policies to restrict the use of non recyclable products as a packaging material where it is not required. These have also posed challenge among business organizations to try and find out recyclable materials and present themselves as a responsible corporate citizen among the stakeholders. This is also one aspect of culture which leads to this kind of environmental concern approach. Culture Packaging Images/Pictures Imagery is an important element of packaging, as it enhances the accessibility of packaging information. As said by Bolen (1984), visual information in advertisements generally attracted more attention and was noticed before verbal advertising content. While Alesandrini (1982) declared, visual information may serve to attract consumer’s attention and set expectations for the contents of the verbal elements; the visual information thus serving as an â€Å"advance organizer† for the verbal elements of packaging. (Underwood et al. , 2001) Different culture recognizes various symbols differently with different meanings altogether. Picture that is very meaningful for people in one culture as it expresses important values of that culture can be completely meaningless to the people of the other culture. For instance, a box of pineapple cookies sold in Singapore has an image of a lion, as in Singapore lion is considered to be a symbol of royalty. Hence, if the similar box of cookies is launched in UK it won’t be given equivalent importance as in Singapore due to the differences lying in culture. Culture Packaging Communication Customer or prospect judges the products on the basis of its name as well. Language used on the product package including its brand or product name creates impression among consumers. Consumer interprets the information selectively on the basis of his culture and his own personal factors. Different aspects of marketing communications like corporate identity, brand name, package design, and advertising styles impacts consumer in certain ways. Marketing communications styles are interrelated with personal communication styles. Chinese-speaking consumers tend to judge a brand name based on its visual appeal whereas English speakers judge brand name based on whether the name sounds appealing. In Asia, visual symbolism is a key aspect of a firm’s corporate identity. A comparative study of package design across seven countries found that packages differ both in three-dimensional design and in the way they communicate through graphical design and vary in the use of textual information; use of Colour, shape, and symbolism; and degree of structure and detail in the package design. All the above differences are highly influenced by culture. Even the product category is influenced by the packaging design, for example Deodorant is communicated differently from cigarettes, and that is reflected in its design of the packaging. ( Mooij and Marieke K. de, 2004, p. 213) Why it is important to understand culture differences in cultures? It is always very important for a marketer to understand the culture of his target market place. Many good products have failed in the market only due to ignorance of socio- cultural aspects. There are underlying components that influence culture such as religion, family, customs, politics, weather, etc, which must be taken into account when marketing products on an international basis. Consequently, it is important for marketers to be aware of the 25% of cultural differences in the world market to promote their product properly. Therefore, it is of great importance to understand similarities and differences in culture which also affects the consumer purchasing behaviours across the cultures. (Weber, J. M. et al. , 2002, p. 396) Tastes and preferences of consumers vary in different part of world. In the European continent itself consumer preferences and taste varies so much that retailers Marks Spencer had to made different advertising campaigns for each country. Initially Marks Spencer has a single uniform advertising for the whole of Europe in 2001. Later it recognized its weakness and immediately changed the advertising campaign according to the taste and preference of different parts of European continent at the end of 2001. Toyota’s model ‘Camry† was a huge success in US which it tried to launch in UK market in 2000. It was a huge failure due to difference in the lifestyle and cultural set up of these two countries. Toyota re-launched it later with changes in the model according to the European culture and it was a huge success. Companies have to estimate the strength of their products along with the market they are trying to trap irrespective of their own brand name and value. One of the mistakes by the snacks giant Kellogg’s is Indian market was with its breakfast cereals. Within Indian culture people tend to eat heavy breakfast in the morning. In such market breakfast cereals as a healthier alternative to the heavy Indian breakfast was unattractive offer to the Indians. Later on company improved its communication strategies and compared it with traditional chapattis (Indian breads). Even in that case Kellogg’s could sell to a Westernized niche market only. So it is quite clear from the above examples that thorough understanding of the culture as well as its differences across cultures is very important to survive in today’s competitive environment. There are some other companies which have done very well in understanding various markets on socio-cultural dimensions like Disney, Pizza hut, dominos, Mc-Donald’s and others. Success pf these brands was result of their conscious effort to keep the significance of culture in their minds. These companies went local irrespective of their global operations for each and every market for them. One such example is Mc-Donald’s. The reasons behind success of Mc-Donald’s in foreign markets apart from a strong brand image and consistent service a standard around the world is, its advertising which is local and its product offer has a local touch. Examples are the Kiwi burger in New Zealand; the Maharaja Mac in India; the Prosperity burger in Malaysia; the Teriyaki burger in Japan; the McKorket in the Netherlands; McLaks, a grilled salmon burger, in Norway; and the Croque McDo in France that refers to the popular French â€Å"Croque Monseiur†, a hot ham and cheese sandwich. Advertising by McDonald’s in France tied into local habits and symbols. In 2001, for example, advertising for McDonald in France tied into â€Å"Asterix and Obelisk,† the most famous historical cartoon of the nation. Hence, localization makes it increasingly important for marketing and advertising people to understand the influence of culture. ( Mooij and Marieke K. de, 2004, p. 18) Importance of Colours can not be ignored in the case of international markets. Colours are associated with different cultural beliefs, moods and meanings. Understanding of these aspects of Colour, culture and society helps the organization to develop appropriate strategy. As said by (Kirmani 1997: Schmitt and Pan 1994), one marketing cue that global managers can use regardless of location is Colour. The effects of culture on the meaning associated with Colours are very critical for international marketing purposes. â€Å"Wagner, the creator of the Wagner Colour Research Institute, contends that Colours are associated with certain images (Lane 1991). For example, Blue is associated with wealth, trust, and security: Gray is associated with strength, exclusively, and success: and orange denotes cheapness. These associations may explain why banks are more likely to Colour their logos and collateral using Blue or Gray rather than orange ( Seitel 1993). It is cultural background due to which Colour has a strong effect on choice of a customer. It is important to understand which Colours are preferred by people in different cultures. It will help to create, maintain, or modify brand images in consumers’ minds. The associated with Colours and combination of Colours are important to understand for any marketer. â€Å"Colour combinations are considered culturally bound with certain ideologies and traditions (Geboy 1996). For example, black on red signifies happiness to Chinese people and is commonly used for wedding invitations while a combination of red over white represents celebration and signifies the life force to the Japanese ( Tektronix 1998). (Thomas, J. M. et al. , 2000) After Colour it is cultural beliefs which have impact on the consumer minds. It is important to understand the beliefs related to target product category within the target market place. For instance in India people feel that ancient herbal methods are good choices over the cosmetic options available today. This led various cosmetics company in India to launch their promotional programs comparing their product with traditional methods or showing the products equivalent to the traditional benefits. In these leading brands like Lux, Fair Lovely and many others are present. Success of a fair and lovely brand due to the fact that Indians believe fairness is beautiful. Vicco turmeric cream is another example which positioned itself as a cream that would be useful for would-be brides to enhance their complexions, as applying turmeric for skin care is a part of the Indian tradition. These types of behaviour which are associated with a specific culture or belief can also be associated with different product categories such as, for instance, the bindi worn in most parts of India. It is important that the brand name selected for such a product category should have an ethnic-sounding name whereas a Western name is prone to be counter-productive. (S Ramesh Kumar, 2003) Another product category is food where the role of mother and grand mother is considered important. This is the reason all spices, traditional quick meals and cooking oil etc contain some or more of the mother’s recipe kind of concept. Not only that change in the societal socio-cultural structure can also be seen as some of the advertisement in India show modern man helping their women in their work as well like washing clothes or taking care of child. There is a strong need to understand and consider the culture which constitutes of the values, beliefs and habits of consumers which show a discrepancy across the nations. The other aspect of the changing cultural environment and upcoming trends are also important to understand.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Alvin Ailey :: Biography Biographies

Alvin Ailey Alvin Ailey was born on January 5, 1931, in Rogers Texas. His family was a very religious family. He attended Sunday school and church at the Baptist Young Peoples Union. When he was in junior high school, his class went on a trip to the ballet, and that's what inspired him to dance. Seeing the ballet and having his dance teacher, Lester Horton, he was off to a good start. Watching and meeting dancers and actors like Martha Grahm, Doris Humphrey, Charles -Weidman, and Hanya Holm motivated him to pursue a career in dancing. Watching the actors helped him a lot because dancing is very similar to acting; you have to be in, and feel your character. After Lester Horton's death (Ailey's choreographer), Ailey became the director of Horton's dance studio, but in 1958, Ailey founded his own studio and named it, "The Alvin Ailey Dance Company." The purpose of this dance company is "to enrich American modern dance heritage and preserving the uniqueness of black cultural expression" (Willinger 1). The big break for Ailey's dance company was the dance Revalations. which people from all over loved. Since the start of the Dance Company "the Dance Theater has performed for and estimated 19,000,000 people in forty-eight countries and on six continents, earning the Company a reputation as one of the most popular international ambassadors of American Culture." ( Alvin Ailey Dance Company 7). Most African Americans and many races respected Ailey because he was "A leading figure in modern dance, whose dances reflected his black Southern Heritage and are set to jazz or gospel music." (The New Book of Knowledge 587). In Ailey's dance company, there was one dancer that Ailey admired. Her name was Judith Jamison. She provided the inspiration for Ailey to dance to a solo piece, named Cry. Cry was for Alieys mother; dedicated to" all Black women everywhere-mothers." (Alvin Ailey Dance Company 3). Alvin Ailey :: Biography Biographies Alvin Ailey Alvin Ailey was born on January 5, 1931, in Rogers Texas. His family was a very religious family. He attended Sunday school and church at the Baptist Young Peoples Union. When he was in junior high school, his class went on a trip to the ballet, and that's what inspired him to dance. Seeing the ballet and having his dance teacher, Lester Horton, he was off to a good start. Watching and meeting dancers and actors like Martha Grahm, Doris Humphrey, Charles -Weidman, and Hanya Holm motivated him to pursue a career in dancing. Watching the actors helped him a lot because dancing is very similar to acting; you have to be in, and feel your character. After Lester Horton's death (Ailey's choreographer), Ailey became the director of Horton's dance studio, but in 1958, Ailey founded his own studio and named it, "The Alvin Ailey Dance Company." The purpose of this dance company is "to enrich American modern dance heritage and preserving the uniqueness of black cultural expression" (Willinger 1). The big break for Ailey's dance company was the dance Revalations. which people from all over loved. Since the start of the Dance Company "the Dance Theater has performed for and estimated 19,000,000 people in forty-eight countries and on six continents, earning the Company a reputation as one of the most popular international ambassadors of American Culture." ( Alvin Ailey Dance Company 7). Most African Americans and many races respected Ailey because he was "A leading figure in modern dance, whose dances reflected his black Southern Heritage and are set to jazz or gospel music." (The New Book of Knowledge 587). In Ailey's dance company, there was one dancer that Ailey admired. Her name was Judith Jamison. She provided the inspiration for Ailey to dance to a solo piece, named Cry. Cry was for Alieys mother; dedicated to" all Black women everywhere-mothers." (Alvin Ailey Dance Company 3).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Legacy of the Mafia Minstel Show :: Essays Papers

The Legacy of the Mafia Minstel Show After my Grandfather died in the late 1960's, my Grandmother came to live with us for a short time. It was a wonderful way to learn about my heritage and I got to listen to her stories about when my Father was growing up in San Francisco. I remember a story she told me about when my Dad was around eight years old, about the same time Little Caesar was in the movie theaters. One day he came home from school and told my Grandmother that some kid at school told him that all Italians were cutthroats. My Grandmother got very upset and told him to ignore comments like that, that all it did was reveal the ignorance of the person making that remark, and to always take pride in who you are and your Italian heritage. My Dad looked at my Grandmother and very innocently asked her, "Ma, what's a cutthroat?" Zoom forward around 70 years. My daughter comes homes from school, about the same time The Sopranos was released on HBO, complaining that some kids at school were teasing her and calling her "Mafia Girl." I wish I could say that things have gotten better for Italian Americans and how they are portrayed in popular television and film in the last 70 years, but unfortunately I think it has actually gotten worse. What I call the Mafia Minstrel Show, actors in olive skin face playing mobster for the benefit of those people who lust for violence and racism, is now as insidious as lice. Thanks to our friends at HBO, the Mafia Minstrel Show has been legitimized as a mainstream genre, not unlike westerns or love stories. So why has the Mafia Minstrel Show survived for the past 70 years? It is very simple, IT MAKES MONEY!!!!! I remember reading the obituary for Mario Puzo. It listed the sales of his books, his wonderful novel about Italian American immigrants, The Fortunate Pilgrim, ha d sold maybe 10,000 copies and The Godfather, a novel that featured the Mafia Minstrel Show, had sold 15 million copies. Mario Puzo, a man who admitted he had never known a gangster before he wrote The Godfather, obviously was given a lot of cash to write a novel about the Mafia Minstrel Show.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien

Civil War General Sherman once said, â€Å"War is hell. † He was right. In the short story â€Å"The Things They Carried,† Tim O’Brien shows us the hell that our soldiers suffered. The narrator shows us a captivating, and up-close story about our soldiers in the Vietnam War. While the title relates to the story about things carried, but the soldiers carry more than just the physical burdens-in many cases, they are weighed down by emotional baggage. The emotional baggage that lies heavy in their hearts outweighs the physical weight. In addition to the items that they must carry, they also carry personal mementos. To show how much the soldiers are carrying the narrator tells us â€Å"things carried were largely determined by necessity. † Some of the necessities included, â€Å"P-38 can opener, pocket knives†¦candy, cigarettes†¦C rations and two or three canteen of water. Together, these items weighed between fifteen and twenty pounds†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The narrator goes on to give us even more detail about the things the soldiers carried; â€Å"†¦. carried the standard M-16 gas-operated assault rifle. The weapon weighed 7. 5 pounds unloaded, 8. 2 pounds with its full twenty-round magazine†¦. grenade launcher, 5. pounds unloaded†¦Ã¢â‚¬  By telling us exactly what the men carried and how much it weighed, it gives us an insight on the physical burdens that the men had to carry. The narrator tells us that the intangible items that these men carried proved heavier than any backpack and gun. The main character in the story is Lieutenant Cross, platoon leader. He is in l ove with a young girl in the United States. She is always on his mind and because he allows his thoughts to take him away and be with her. Because of this, he blames himself for the death of another platoon member even though there was nothing he could have done to protect him. Lieutenant Cross felt the pain. He blamed himself. † â€Å"He pictured Martha’s smooth young face, thinking he loved her more than anything, more than his men, and now Ted Lavender was dead because he love her so much and could not stop thinking about her. † I think here he is being a little unreasonable. His love for her didn’t kill Lavender. He didn’t feel only the burden of being responsible for Lavender’s death, â€Å"it was the burden of being alive. † They all carried great emotional weight. â€Å"They carried all the emotional baggage of the men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing-these were the intangibles, but the intangibles had their own mass and specific gravity, they had tangible weight. † With all the physical and emotional things they carried, they also carried things that were close to their hearts. They carried mementos and other small weapons. â€Å"Mitchell Sanders carried brass knuckles. Kiowa carried his grandfathers feathered hatchet†¦. Kiowa always took along his New Testament†¦Lee Strunk carried his slingshot; ammo, he claimed, would never be a problem. † We’re told that Lieutenant Cross carried letters from Martha in his rucksack, and pictures of her in his wallet and a pebble. †¦Lieutenant Cross received a good-luck charm from Martha. It was a simple pebble, an ounce at most. † These things, although that was something else they carried, I feel like that, these items are things that made them feel like there was a world outside the war. They carried a silent awe of the power of the weapons, which kept them alive by killing the enemy. They carried infection, the weak or wounded, the thumbs of slain Viet Cong, guilt, and the soil of Vietnam itself. Perhaps the only certainty of a rather ambiguous war was that there would never be a shortage of things to carry.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Police Crisis Management

ABSTRACTThis paper is primarily directed towards a discussion of Police Crisis Management. This topic is necessary and beneficial to the police system in dealing with their operations. Crisis Management refers to a system of approach in solving various problems that may come in different situations. Its major function is to prepare a body, group or institution of the possibilities of disaster, calamities and emergencies. Finally, this paper tackles about the significant features of Police Crisis Management which include the stage of planning, negotiation, and the development of the crisis management.This paper is divided into three parts. The first part is the introduction wherein the concept of crisis management is described and defined. The second part elucidates on the definition and characterization of Police Crisis Management. The third part is composed of the important aspects and facets of Police Crisis Management. The last part presents the conclusion of the paper.Introductio nCrisis Management is a mechanism used in dealing with impending crises. Its principal focus is on the planning stage in which an organized practical method is formulated in order to prevent the occurrence of particular crises. It primary goal is to thwart the incidence of disorder in a specific field rather than facing the problem in an extemporized immediate approach.Crisis Management entails the detection of the crisis itself, the stage of making plans in reaction to the crisis which include proper way of dealing and resolving the problem. It is most likely used in the field of political science, international relations, business and management.The principal precepts of Crisis Management are gathering of the most pertinent information regarding the crises instead of concealing it; treating the crisis as quick as possible for prolonging its existence might also increase the risks it poses; and the coordination and involvement of the persons who are responsible for the execution of the crisis management system.Having the above key principles, the theory of crisis management can be carved up into three main phases, namely: crisis negotiation, crisis control, and crisis dynamics.Police Crisis ManagementPolice Crisis Management pertains to a systematic method of treating crisis or problems that are primarily directed towards police operations. This method aims to check the occasion of hitches and predicaments in the field of police system. Moreover, its task is not only in the detection of potential problems but also in addressing these problems systematically and accordingly.In its objective to put superior countermeasures over the imminent crises in the field of the police system, planning and execution take a very important role in administering the crisis management. With this regard, standard operating procedures should be observed by the police system in order to manage the crises responsibly and conscientiously.Important Aspects of Police Crisis Managemen tAs stated earlier, necessary stages of crisis management should involve planning on what to do, how to do, what are needed in dealing with a specific crisis. Such plays a very important role for it is the stage wherein the crisis management starts. It includes the identification of the existing crisis, the reasons or the causes of its occurrence, the affected aspects and the approximated period of its occurrence if not addressed immediately. Also, it consists of the formulation effective techniques or strategies that can successfully terminate the prevailing crisis.Another important aspect of police crisis management is the gathering of the most important and most relevant information regarding the crisis which is primarily focused on the knowledge, skills and attitude that the police system should possess in order to execute the planned strategy in managing a particular crisis. For example, in the case of hostage-drama scenario, the police system does not instantly go to the place wherein there is a hostage situation. The police system has this standard operating procedure in which prior to its implementation, a plan of action should be first discussed by the police themselves initiated by the superior police. In such meeting, the policemen are reminded of the dos and don’ts in dealing with that particular situation.They are also reminded of the consequences and possible threats that they might encounter while executing their task of controlling the situation. Lastly, as advocates of justice, police system does not permit abuse of power. In which in the case of the given hostage-crisis, the policemen are not instructed to gunshot the hostage-taker at once. Negotiation is the initial mechanism use by the police system in handling such situations. However, in worst cases like the hostages are really being by the hostage-taker, the policemen are initiated to do all that they can do to stop the hostage-taker from hurting the hostages –which allows them to fire on the hostage-taker (such also applies to other instances such as by-bust operations, face-to-face encounter with law-offenders, etc.)In addition, excellent coordination with the whole police system is necessary in the police crisis management. It is noteworthy that the police system is well coordinated from top to bottom and vice versa. The planning stage should be composed of commands and instructions from the top superiors, and the discussed-strategy that is done during the emergency meeting of the police. Having this need of coordination means also that outstanding communication among the law-enforcers should be maintained during the crisis management.Time-delay should be avoided. There should be no action from the police system that might interrupt the operation. As cited earlier, quick reactive response should be the attitude of the police all throughout the crisis management. Prolongation of such incidents might severe the tension and the situation causing more difficulty in controlling the circumstances.  Finally, instances of previous cases of crisis management should be recorded and examined so as to aid the police for formulating new set of crisis management approach. It is also important that the government should support and help the police in upholding this crisis management-thing. There should be a rule or law that should ensure the police that whatever happens during their attempt to actualize such crisis management, there is a law that would justify their acts and procedures.ConclusionTo conclude, Police Crisis Management is a very important mechanism established and utilized by the police system in facing calamities and disasters in their field of work. Such mechanism is said to be necessary for it prepares them for the potential crisis that they may experience with regards to their field of work.The roles and the functions of the implementer of such police crisis management is also important for it serves as an assurance that a particular crisis is really being taken in hand by the police. Also, knowledge, skills and attitude should also be motivated with regards to the nature of the adversity.The abovementioned important aspects in the Police Crisis Management are just few among the essential factors that are employed in the police crisis management. By following and observing these factors, a well-strategize and more premeditated crisis management can be established by the police in doing their task as law-enforcers.Reference:Davidson, T. N. (2002). To Preserve Life: Hostage-Crisis Management CimacomFink, S. (2000). Crisis Management: Planning for the Inevitable (Revised ed.):, L. (2006). Practical Police Psychology: Stress Management And Crisis Intervention for Law Enforcement Charles C. Thomas PublisherNadu, T. (2006). Police evolve crisis management plan [Electronic Version]. The Hindu:Online edition of India's National Newspaper. Retrieved May 28 2007.

American football and Hard Work Essay

He was born to play football, someone who is 270 pounds and five percent body fat and only 19 years old and could go anywhere to play football. He went to a big ten college, Michigan. Now Elwood Reid was a man of hard work and discipline and would never give up. He worked hard ever single play from whistle to whistle. Even when he was in server pain he would never give up because he didn’t want to be called a quitter. Now there were two parts to Reid, one part of him wanted to belong or fit in with the team or be one of the â€Å"fellas†. Reid went to parties and he drank beer and liquor and did all the bad stuff just to fit in. The second part of him loved to read books and enjoyed going to class but never want to be himself. He ended up beating his body to the end and could no longer play. So after college he moved to Alaska to get away from football and start a new life, Therefore, Football is the best way to learn self discipline and character. Football Is also is a great way of learning what hard work means and in order to put hard work in you have to be able to put your body on the line. Now don’t think football is just a sport for hitting people and putting your body in pain, you can also make friends for the rest of your life and it also teaches life lessons. From the age of three years old I was brought up with the idea that football is everything. My dad had me in the backyard throwing a football that was bigger than my head. From the first time I ever stepped out on the practice field I was always told â€Å"boys, now in order to be a notable player you have to have discipline, show hard work and have character†. That saying stayed with me to this day and now I’m in college playing football and it will be there all my life. You have to have discipline when listening to what your coach teaches you what you have to learn to be great player. You have to have discipline watching the ball and not jumping off sides. Hard work ties in with discipline as well, I would stay after practice to catch balls and run routes because I wanted to be the best. Even on the weekends when nothing was going on I would be at some field running and getting better. â€Å"Domination through hard work man† for the coach of the big ten school. I have this one saying as well and it goes â€Å"The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender†. Basically this makes me work hard and do the things I’m suppose to do while on and off the field. If everyone on a team has discipline, character and hard work you can have a successful team full of champions. Now I somewhat agree with Reid, but sometimes things go way too far. This has to do a lot with character. My old high school coach school would say â€Å"what are you doing when nobody is looking†. I would go to a party and wonder sometimes, â€Å"dang I wonder what Coach Ru would say right now†. See now, Reid, when he would go to a party he always thought† I should be doing this right now†, I should probably leave†, but then he wouldn’t be part of the â€Å"fellas†. Now this is where its wrong just because someone else is doing it doesn’t mean you have to do it too. This is basically saying if Billy jumps then I will. When I was out somewhere and something felt wrong I was always thinking what would happen if I got in trouble it could affect my family and my team. I mean I went out and partied but did it under control. The point I am trying to make is just do what feels right to you and be yourself. You throw on your shoulder pads, put on your helmet and tie your shoes and your ready to play, hit and get hit. Reid was right about everything, you play with pain because if you don’t you will be called a quitter. I’ve learned to play with pain because football is a sport in which you’re going to get hurt. You’re throwing your body into people, getting knocked down. For example here at Catawba College there is always someone getting hurt during practice. Either it’s a hurt shoulder, hurt knee or getting the wind knocked out of them. But one thing that Elwood is wrong about is that when you get hurt things are more serious here. Coaches don’t call you quitters and team mates don’t make fun of you. When you get hurt here, it’s taken seriously you’re looked at, you have to be in the training room everyday twice a day. My point here is that football is a pain sport but you just have to live with it and except that there is going to be rough times but you just have to get through it. As you can see after what you read about Reid, getting a scholarship to college isn’t easy. But for me it was basically the same thing, I started out my freshman year on junior varsity. I was the starting wide receiver; I made awesome catches and was the best one on the field. I wasn’t the biggest, but have always been the tallest, but what made so good was all the hard work and discipline I had. But the last couple games of the season I got moved up to varsity which was awesome. The next year, my sophomore year, I finally got moved up to varsity at the beginning of the year. I really wasn’t playing so I worked my butt off in practice and it finally came through, by the start of our conference I was starting. Until then I never thought football would take me to college, but after that I was confident. My junior year came and I was all-conference, all-Mecklenburg and my coach was making highlight films and coaches were coming to see me and I was going to camps to showcase my talents. Senior year came and scouts were coming and one coach who really caught my attention was Coach Nick Toth from the Citadel. Citadel would have offered but I got screwed when a five year senior decided to return. It really made me mad, but when adversity is put in your way, you just have to stomp right over it. So here I am at Catawba now, on a full scholarship and I love everything about it. I am proof that you can be an individual and do what you love at the same time.