Friday, October 4, 2019

Samsung Electronics And Its Managerial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Samsung Electronics And Its Managerial - Essay Example The study will investigate the electronics industry in general and it will focus on Samsung Electronics and its managerial, operations and product distribution style as a model which can be duplicated by Chinese Companies. Samsung rose from the bottom of a mass produced, low price, export dumping electronic company to be situated as the number three electronic company in the global market. There are no Chinese Companies which hold this distinction of being a leader in any industry. The study will point out why and how the Korean Company has become an industry leader. The study will pursue this topic because Samsung’s management and operations style is extremely successful, and its importance as a business model can serve as an example to other companies on how an aggressively focused Research and Development department, and a well thought out marketing concept can make the difference in a company’s bottom line. The beneficiaries will at a minimum be two-fold; for studen ts who are interested in how a successful company plans its short and long term objectives for project development. How important it is to identify your primary market during the conception and development of a product and how critical it is to produce high-end quality products and not waver on corporate pricing structures. It will exhibit to the business the person how critical it is to establish policy and make it stick. The information presented by the study will provide the inner details of a strategy which exhibits sound long-range business.... style is extremely successful, and its importance as a business model can serve as an example to other companies on how an aggressively focused Research and Development department, and a well thought out marketing concept can make the difference in a company's bottom line.The beneficiaries will at a minimum be two fold; for students who are interested in how a successful company plans its short and long term objectives for project development. How important it is to identify your primary market during the conception and development of a product and how critical it is to produce high-end quality products and not waver on corporate pricing structures. Moreover, it will exhibit to the business person how critical it is to establish policy and make it stick. The information presented by the study will provide the inner details of a strategy which exhibits sound long range business planning and reflects positive results, based on a system which is successful. 3 Section 2 The objectives of the study will be to show that the system which Samsung functions under is replicable and can be applied to any business which is committed to remain focused. Section 3 "Samsung Electronics, the consumer electronics giant in Korea, posted its financial performance for the first quarter, 2006 at 13.96 trillion won, which represents a one percent growth compared to the first quarter of 2005" (Survival) "Samsung electronics revealed this year's TFT - LCD monitor sales through November. The company has maintained its world market leadership by selling 5

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