Saturday, November 23, 2019

My Days in Jekyll Essays - Orange County Screenwriters Association

My Days in Jekyll Essays - Orange County Screenwriters Association Professor Frazier English 1101-125 22 October 2015 My Days in Jekyll Every year, I go to Jekyll Island for an engineering trip. The group is called TSA (Technology Student Association). Students in TSA from different schools would compete in all kinds of engineering competitions. The time I went that was the most fun was last year with our new engineering teacher, Mrs. Carter. We would be staying for 3 days and since it was professional, we had to bring business clothes. That morning of the day we would leave, we would come to school and put our suitcases in our teachers room and go to our regular classes. Directly after school, we would come and get our stuff and sit in the lobby of our school until the charter bus came. We were on the bus with about 5 different schools. I knew some of them from previous years and others from different school programs. The ride to Jekyll was about 6 hours so we stopped a couple of times to get food. To get to Jekyll Island, we had to cross over a bridge. The bridge was so beautiful. The ocean was blue, birds were flying over it, and the beach was so pretty. When we finally got there, we had to go to a conference center and take a test to qualify to be an officer over the entire program. Some people took the test seriously, but others including me, didnt. After everyone on our bus was finished, we got dropped off at our ho tels. Some of the schools stayed in the same hotel and others stayed in a hotel further. In one room, it was me, my friend and 2 girls from another high school. After we took our showers, me and my friend walked around in our PJs and talked. We saw students from other schools and ended up talking with them too. We finally got back to our rooms around 1:30 am and went to sleep. The next morning everyone woke up and got dressed around 7 to get breakfast from downstairs. We had to leave the hotel and go to the conference room since majority of us had competitions that whole day. I didnt have a competition but my teacher let me observe some of them. There were a lot of competitions. In one room, robots were racing to stack boxes on top one another. I stayed in that room majority of the day we were there. We ate lunch after everyone finished their competitions and went back to the hotel. Everyone changed into some comfortable clothes because we planned on going out. My friend and I went to a ro om with people from another school. We all decided to stay in the hotel and talked about millions of things until we all passed out. When we woke up in the morning, my friend and I went back to our rooms so we could go back. We would be leaving around 2 that afternoon so when we packed, everyone put their belongings under the bus. Some people still had competitions that morning so I decided to walk around with some other students from another school. We went in stores to buy clothes, we made fun of peoples hairstyles and we stopped inside Five Guys for some food and an ice cream parlor for some delicious ice cream. When it was time to go, we walked back to the conference center where our bus would be waiting on us. By the time we left, everyone had gotten to know each other and was talking up a storm on the bus. My teacher said she enjoyed herself and learned quite a lot. This trip was better than the other ones because I met a lot of new faces. I also got a chance to get a preview of competitions so next year I will know what competition I want to do and how Im going to do it. I really had a lot of fun and wish every year would go like this, even though a few people got in trouble.

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