Friday, May 31, 2019

The Role of Men in Adrienne Richs Of Woman Born Essay -- Adrienne Ric

The Role of Men in Of Woman Born Adrienne Rich, via Of Woman Born, has created a wonderfully complex description and synopsis of the condition of being a woman in our patriarchal American culture, or at least in the middle-class, white portion of it, as she acknowledges in the introduction to the 1986 edition of the book. Since I happen to fit into this category, I find this book to be very personally satisfying, although I can certainly gauge that Richs writings wouldnt be completely applicable to all women in America. Rich examines the various issues surrounding multiple aspects of being a woman -- motherhood, transaction with men, relations with children, relations with the patriarchy at large, etc. -- with a thoroughness that I find enlightening, honest-yet-hopeful, and refreshing. There were passages throughout the book that I found exciting because they confirmed or bolstered many of the ideas Ive had about being a woman in this culture. I have long suspected that women an d children be often fearful simply because they are the vulnerable members in a mal...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

17th century english writers Essays -- essays research papers

The Pen Is Mightier Than The KingThe 17th century saw a kings operate roll and an English Caesar sit the throne, in the midst of all of this a mod contour was rising. England in the 17th century was rife with change, there was more than work to be done before the industrial revolution could fully grip the nation. For hundreds of years the monarch had dominated the political landscape, now that was changing radically. Although their remained a Monarch in power for most of this period they had seen their powers limited to the point of reducing them to the status of figurehead. As farming techniques and technology had improved, the population in England had increase steadily and the use of this new technology created a new class in society.(1) This merchant class was on the rise due in outsize part to the captured markets in North America and the West Indies which had made many a merchant richer than their aristocratic brethren. The British Parliament had seen its power expand oer the last hundred years and would continue that trend in the 17th century finding itself with the power to behead even the king.(1) As Parliament flexed their new found muscle the king was forced to find the funding for his political intrigues among the new merchant class. In addition to this new found monetary intrepidity the marrow classes had been exposed to a rich variety of philosophers who espoused the right of the people to rule themselves.(1) Revolution in the New World and in parts of atomic number 63 increasingly made the lower classes aware of their right to self-governance. The parliament a representative of the people showed its power in the 17th century by enacting the splendid Revolution and crippling the English monarchy for the rest of time.(1) Indeed in the next century the French Revolution would show that not only a regimen body had the power to remove royalty, the common people could also spill royal blood. As a result of this change in the class grammatical construction Monarchs and parliament where forced to recognize the power of the common people and they would from then on need to seek the peoples favor. The danger of an uprising was quite real and could not be controled by marshal means, as there was no standing police force or army.(1) In addition leaders of the time where selected by birth and not by political prowess and as such many of them lacked the eloquence to persuade the pe... ... lost their power and the war ended curtly after this publication.(1)Each of these men has come to be associated with literary greatness and deservedly so, however at the time of their death they may not cod felt the sense of accomplishment that they had earned. With the possible exception of Milton the early 17th century authors were limited both in the ideas that they could legally express and in the public life opportunities that they could pursue, these men Dryden, Locke and Milton paved the way for the later authors and the freedoms th at they enjoyed. In all of their cases they came from modest middle class backgrounds and were educated with money earned by their merchant class parents. The leaders of their time sought them out for this very reason as it allowed them to more effectively communicate their point of view to the increasingly powerful middle class. Although the rulers who sought to use them for their skill in communication may prepare gained some temporary benefit from their services, it is all subsequent English speaking authors who have benefited the most from their labors in that they do not have to chain themselves to the prevailing sentiment in society to be heard.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Language Grows Out of Life:Abduction, Juxtaposition, and Culture :: Education Learning Essays

Language Grows Out of Life Abduction, Juxtaposition, and CultureLanguage grows out of life, out of its needs and experiences . . . level-headed work in language presupposes and depends on real knowledge of things. I never taught language for the purpose of t individuallying it but invariably used language as a medium for communication of thought thus the learning of language was coincident with the acquisition of knowledge (Thomas, 48). For my assimilators in the prison, and for many students in unshakable schools, English class seems removed from the needs and experiences of life. My students are confused by the isolated teaching of grammar rules that seem to pee no impact on their align use of language on the streets, in their neighborhoods, or with their families. I am equally confused. Many schools insist that teachers transmit a pre-determined body of information to students as if they are receptacles. For my students, many of the works of literature in this body of inform ation are unrealistic, and they feel they are fake and unimportant to them. The schools also often contain instructors to ignore their students goals and social circumstances. This is an impossibility. Donald Thomas states this nicely when he writes We bequeath to words what we cannot ourselves decipher from the rush of daily being. Words are juxtaposed to the world solely as we are (2). Simply put, culture and language are interconnected. We strive to make sense of the world around us through language. There is no way to separate culture and language and no reason to do so.I become more aware of how experience affects language and expression each day. Several months ago, I was working with my students on the use of setting in literary works. I tore pictures of different settings from National Geographic magazines. My students had a massive range of pictures to choose from and their assignment was to write a story that would logically take place in the setting of their picture. We had been discussing literature genres and I was sure that the student who chose the picture of the mist-surrounded castle on the rocky island would create a magical fairy tale complete with a king, knights, and a fire-breathing dragon. I was wrong. I have read many fairy tales in my lifetime. If I had received the picture of the castle, I would have written a typical fairy tale. My home culture has nurtured this type of story and appreciation for it.

The Evolution of Science Fiction Essay -- Literature

Despite decades between their writings, the kindredities between H.G. Wells and P.K. motherfucker are numerous and let in the fact that both authors were far ahead of their time, had aspirations regarding the universe and a future electronic era to come, had a theme revolving around a distant planet, and challenged humanity. two science fiction authors were beyond their time. Wells had the capability of lifting up our fathers hearts with hopes, exciting them with the feeling that a new world was at the point of existence born and they were to inherit it ( scapeson 17). Throughout all of his works, P.K. Dick focused on conveying the truth of his many-faceted visions without regard for critical expectations and genre conventions (Mackey 128). It is said that knowledge of Dicks biography is essential to an understanding of his work (Umland 2). This too is similar to Wells. Both authors led fascinating lives and each found their own unique fashion to incorporate their events and int erest into their works as demonstrated by their various novels and short stories. In order to fully understand each authors views, style, and most importantly to establish ethos, one must first understand the authors life. Dick and Wells were greatly influenced by the world around them. Whether it be obvious or not, Dick included his life experiences into his books. He also included many of his own personal interest into the book. Wells writings were mostly influenced by his own views, opinions, and interest. It is light-headed to assume that a book was written simply off a good idea however, there is often more to it. An underlying interest, an attempted degree, an upset(prenominal) adventure.In 1949, Dick began studying philosophy at the University of California Berkley (1... ...rld, there is power in numbers and we have the ability to lead future generations further, not only into the science fiction world, but science itself. Despite nearly three quarters of a century betwee n their writings, the ideas these two magnificent authors had were similar in many ways. They both challenged science and society to their limits. Works CitedDick, Philip K. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. spic-and-span York Random House, 1968. Print.Dickson, Lovat. H. G. Wells His Turbulent Life and Times. New York Lovat Dickson (?), 1969. Print.Mackey, Douglas A. Philip K. Dick. Massachusetts Twayne, 1988. PrintWells, H. G. A Story of the Days to Come. 28 Science Fiction Stories. New York Dover, 1952. 730-820. Priint.Wells, H. G. The Time Machine. The Complete Short Stories of H. G. Wells. London Ernest Benn Limited, 1966. 9-91. Print.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Stress :: essays research papers

StressCHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONStatement of the Research ProblemHow do you cope with focussing in the snipplace to achieve a more balancedlifestyle? Stress is a part of everybodys life. Depending on the level ofstress, it after part control our lives, especially in the workplace. We begin tospend several long hours at work, and thus have less time for other things.Stressed employees may be unhappy and thus produce nominally. Stress posteriordeteriorate social and family relationships and eventually burn you outultimately it can take doorbell on your health. Organizations need to recognizestress as a problem and decide whether or not to act upon it.Background InformationThis question inevitably to be answered because stress is a problem that allorganizations must deal with stress can cause poor work performance and loweremployee morale. These factors can increase employee turnover rate and lessenquality of life. We all must deal with stress question is how we handle andcontrol it. With downsizing the buzz password in the modern corporate world,companies have become mean and lean. Employees are compelled to be moreefficient they find themselves taking on the work of what utilize to be two. Theresult is longer hours, less time for outside activities, and consequentlyincreased stress. consort to Business Week, the typical American works 47 hours a week, and ifcurrent trends continue, in 20 years "the average person would be on the job 60hours a week." Another factor that increases stress is expertadvancements. With all the new technology one is always connected to work andaccessible 24 hours a day 7 days a week. According to Business Week, it is nowpossible, and thus increasingly expected, for employees to be accessible andproductive any hour, any day.At a workplace, one observes several sales peck working long hours, claimingit is due to under staffing. Employees reach a point of diminishing returns.The more hours they work, the less productive the y are. This stressful conditioncauses the quality of work to dwindle. Consequently, clients recognize this,and eventually they terminate the business relationship. Soon the company loses,as it is built on these clients.Statement of the ObjectivesIn this research, I expect to discuss factors which consume to stress in theworkplace. Are individuals stressed in the workplace? What causes stress inthe workplace? Who is mostly stressed men or women? Are individuals beingnessexposed to stress management techniques? Should employers implement stressmanagement techniques? As a future manager, I would like to be able todetermine if stress is a problem for employees if so, implement a strategy to

Stress :: essays research papers

StressCHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONStatement of the Research ProblemHow do you cope with focal point in the hold outplace to achieve a to a greater extent balancedlifestyle? Stress is a part of everybodys life. Depending on the level ofstress, it can control our lives, especially in the workplace. We begin tospend several extensive hours at work, and thus have less time for other things.Stressed employees may be unhappy and thus produce nominally. Stress can throw away social and family relationships and eventually burn you outultimately it can take toll on your health. Organizations need to recognizestress as a business and decide whether or not to act upon it.Background InformationThis question needs to be answered because stress is a problem that allorganizations must sens with stress can cause poor work performance and loweremployee morale. These factors can increase employee turnover rate and lessenquality of life. We all must deal with stress question is how we handle andcontrol it. With downsizing the buzz word in the modern corporate world,companies have become mean and lean. Employees argon compelled to be moreefficient they find themselves taking on the work of what used to be two. Theresult is longer hours, less time for outside activities, and thenceincreased stress.According to Business Week, the typical American works 47 hours a week, and ifcurrent trends continue, in 20 years "the average person would be on the job 60hours a week." Another factor that increases stress is technologicaladvancements. With all the new technology one is always connected to work andaccessible 24 hours a day 7 days a week. According to Business Week, it is nowpossible, and thus increasingly expected, for employees to be accessible and amentiferous any hour, any day.At a workplace, one observes several sales people working long hours, claimingit is due to under staffing. Employees reach a signal of diminishing returns.The more hours they work, the less productiv e they are. This stressful conditioncauses the quality of work to dwindle. Consequently, clients recognize this,and eventually they terminate the business relationship. Soon the company loses,as it is built on these clients.Statement of the ObjectivesIn this research, I expect to discuss factors which lead to stress in theworkplace. Are individuals stressed in the workplace? What causes stress inthe workplace? Who is mostly stressed men or women? Are individuals beingexposed to stress management techniques? Should employers implement stressmanagement techniques? As a future manager, I would like to be able todetermine if stress is a problem for employees if so, implement a strategy to