Monday, September 23, 2019

Film review Argo Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Film review Argo - Research Paper Example The main character of Mendez is played by the director himself. The movie has received widespread success and is one of the best eleven movies of the year 2012. It was also nominated for a number of awards and also won many such nominations including the Oscars, Golden Globe along with other acclaimed awards. However many of the critiques have put forward that the movie diverts from the events that took place in real. This essay would compare the critiques of the different newspapers and would argue as to if these are logical enough to put down the story. The story revolves around the rescue and escape of six Americans from the American embassy when it was attacked by the Iranian revolutionaries. Although there were 52 Americans in the embassy when the attack happened, only 6 were able to escape through a back door and were then given a refuge in the home of the Canadian embassy. In order to save their lives, a CIA specialist made a plan to bring them safely back to their home. The p lan was to depict then 6 Americans as part of a Canadian film crew visiting Iran for a science fiction movie. However, due to certain mistakes on part of the group, the revolutionaries find out about the escape of these Americans. Due to limited time, the Americans had to be taken out of the country immediately. After certain last time escapes, the Americans are able to pass through airport security and reach home safely. However, the film has been criticized for being biased and not portraying the true facts of the actual events. According to The New Yorker, which is a US based newspaper, the film termed to idea of making a movie to rescue the six Americans as being ridiculous. It also comments on the representation of the Hollywood industry as being deceitful as well as the fake directors and actors which were hired for pure execution of their plan. It also shows severe criticism of the style showed during the film of the era in Iran. According to this article, the camera work is not up to the mark as well. As stated earlier, a movie based on historical events should show facts of the actual events but even this article states that this was not done so in this film. It includes that the real account of events as stated by Paul Mendez himself do not show any kind of a disruption or a problem during the passage of the hostages through the airport but the film follows a different storyline showing a number of events and actions in order to fill it with drama. The ending of the movie was also criticized for the same reasons as being far away from what actually happened. Overall, the movie did not receive a good review from The New Yorker in terms of the depiction of the actual events of the history (Film within a film, Web). According to The Telegraph of the UK, the strongest point of the movie is the execution of the storyline and the depiction of the Iranian revolutionaries. According to it, the recreation of the era is 1970s is exceptionally good as far as th e style of the actors is concerned. The dialogues are reviewed to be fast moving and appropriate with the scenes of US adopting a humorous approach whereas Iranian scenes were a bit serious based on the nature of events that took place. The talents of the director are praised, particularly the way he depicted and mixed the emotions of fear and violence. According to it, this movie may not have shown the facts of the act

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