Monday, September 16, 2019

Tonys essay

Social Medal Marketing In this day and age, social media can be an extremely helpful tool for free advertising and building a customer base. It is tremendously important for companies, especially smaller companies that do not have the biggest budget for big time marketing. With the way society works today, social media is one of the most powerful and influential tools companies have available.Without the use of social media, companies would eve a disadvantage in gaining clientele on the internet. Even if people have never heard of the company, if their â€Å"friends† on social media sites comment or â€Å"like† their page, then they can then be exposed to the company as well. A company that I know has benefited greatly from the use of social media Is Barras Tickets. It Is the company that I work for and It Is a full service ticket agency that sells tickets for all concerts, sports, and theatre nationwide.Being a large ticket broker, we are more well-known than the avera ge ticket agency, however, that does to mean we have the budget available to have commercials playing all the time. Social media advertising has been one of our greatest assets. We have a department that dedicates their time to making posts and offering specials to all social media followers. We use Instating, Twitter, Faceable, and Google Plus. These sites are used to let people know when big shows have gone on sale, when big games or shows are coming up, or to offer discounts to our loyal followers.Contests are run often where ere tickets are given away in order to attract more people to our social media sites. They spend hours figuring out algorithms to understand how a like or a comment will or a share will help sales In the company. They have figured out that comments on Faceable, tags and washrags on Instating, and washrags on Instating give us the greatest opportunities to find potential customers. For the Faceable giveaways, people have to â€Å"like† and comment on t he posts. These likes and comments allow the friends of the people who have liked the posts to see this.This gives our page more visits because everyone loves free stuff. They are intrigued and have to see what the offer is and that gets traffic to our website. With Instating, most of the contests involve â€Å"liking† and tagging five friends. On Instating, they have the page that allows you to see what the people you are following have liked and what your friends have been tagged in. When people do this, it brings more and more people to our Instating, causing more people to follow, and in the long run, also bringing traffic to the website.Even though social media obviously does not get 100% percent of potential customers to buy your product, It can help In so many ways. It allows for hundreds, thousands, and potentially even hundreds of thousands of extra eyes on your products, which In turn, could bring Incredible amounts of people to your site. The power that social medi a holds is immense. It takes the old word of mouth type people that you verbally talk to, now you can share your thoughts about companies with people you haven't actually spoken to in years.

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