Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Obama Care Is A Controversial Issue - 1921 Words

Obama Care is a controversial issue, it is a health care policy, most people in the U.S disagree with the fact that they are forced to pay an insurance they may, or may not need. Obama Care should be an option to help others who do want insurance and can’t afford it to give them a boost letting them choose a more economic insurance, there should not be a penalty for this who do not want to purchase insurance. The United States is a world where you can choose what people want to be. The government is breaking into our lives forcing Americans to purchase insurance. Americans should not be forced to purchase something they do not wish, it should be freedom of choice and liberty to do with your money and life what you wish. â€Å"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), informally referred as Obama Care, is a United States federal statue signed into by law by president Barak Obama on March 23, 2010†( Laxmaiah MAnchikanti,2012). Obama care assures they will provide insurance for everyone, with improvements in quality of and reduction in the cost of health care, opponents criticize it as being a massive bureaucracy laden with penalties and taxes that will ultimately eliminate personal medicine and individual practices (Laxmaiah Manchikanti, 2012). Based on these 2 years since 2010, the prognostics for interventional pain management is unclear. They may provide insurance for everyone but with cuts in Medicare to fund Obama Care. Practically limiting expansions on MedicaidShow MoreRelatedFilm Review of John Q1171 Words   |  5 PagesFilm Review: John Q Current Issues in Behavioral Health John Q is a film that addresses the highly controversial topic of health care; maximizing its focus on whether or not the quality of life is truly impacted by the quality of health care. Although this film was first released in 2002, the issue of quality health care seems to be more prominent today that it ever previously was. 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