Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Organizational Knowles Management Practices -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Organizational Knowles Management Practices? Answer: Introduction In a relatively small company, the role of HR is quite significant as growing nature of the company is depending on the efficient employees. There are some gap in communication noticed so managing employees in the right channel is also a concerning factor marketing organization. The roles and responsibilities of each employees needs to be declared and that is the reason performance management is introduced in that company (Van Dooren, Bouckaert Halligan, 2015). Performance management is not the way of appraisal of employees, though this section of this management section but most of the time motivates employees; implementing the innovative design to the company is the basic motive of this. Design of Performance management program The basic design that needs to be implemented for performance management is the 8-dimensional design of management. There are some influencing performance management opportunities for employees. The innovative designs like weekly performance roster and marking performance with rewards need to be implemented in this company so that better chances of development program will evolve. Performance scope of every employee will be same and deliver role and responsibilities to each employee so that they can do justice to their work (Buckingham Goodall, 2015). Efficiency is the first aspect needed by the organization and employees need to be enough efficient to deal with the organizational work (Aguinis, 2013). Monitoring is another aspect for leaders and managers. They monitor all the employees and want that employees enhance their level of performance for the development of the company. In case of a small organization, their market position is quite low and that is reasonably expected as well but in case of innovative performance evaluation better market position is expected from the organization (Pulakos et al., 2015). Properties is another aspect but as the company strength is so less, that they dont have that much of extra properties to make the vivid promotion of the company. The timing of the implementation is another prime perspective as innovative design needs to implement some time (Aguinis, 2013).The scope of better performance is another aspect that performance management can deliver for the development of the organization (Arn aboldi, Lapsley Steccolini, 2015). If there are ample amount of innovative scopes available still the company is not working over the condition then, there are lots of chances for the HR team to make use most of them and apply for the changes. Performance management cycle needs to be implemented in this kind of small-scale companies. Planning of weekly performance roster is the first thing that will be introduced in an organization. Technological systematic changes are also needed to configure for that reason. Innovative processes are not always productive for the organization. In that case, Monitoring the system and how people accounting to those new ideas are the important factors to concentrate on. Development of the factor and process the subordinates of that factor are also important (Aguinis, 2013). If there are any kind of situation happens then it is quite relevant to organize a training and development for employees. At the end of the entire process weekly rating system has been introduced, and due to training process better outcome can be expected from employees (Chowdhary et al., 2014). The rating system also determines the scale or pay band of employees and also showcase the innovative way of business work and the adopting quality of employees in the future understanding of them. The reward is the ultimate boost for employees as most of the employees looking for better products for their own monetary rewards provided by the organization (Gerrish, 2016). In most the cases, employees good performances are reflected through in companys production so performance management cycle needs to put over the company so that a productive result can be drawn and evaluation of performance engrossed through the matter. Time of implementation Performance Management Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Planning Monitoring Developing Rating Rewarding Authentication for program implementation There are some corporate authentications needed to implement new innovation in organization and there are some performance management systems also need to be introduced by the management. The employee recruitment plan and create a pool of employees is the first authorization that need to be taken from the HR manager of the company. Then only HR department can promote the advertisement that accumulates more efficient employees to come for the overall development of the organization (DeNisi Smith, 2014). A pool of employees will be selected at the initial level and then scrutinize those employees and narrow down the process to get the best employee for the organization. Authentication need from the positional head, supervisors, leaders, and managers and then interview process states the best employee through this process. Detail of new program For weekly roster system, detail planning needs to sense the new program in an effective way. A comprehensive process is needed for employee selection. A better planning is also required like merit program idea, that extracted the best employee for the organization. Providing reward and recognition to employees is another aspect of giving extra enthusiasm to do better work and for the better production employees do the same for the organization (Budworth, Latham Manroop, 2015). Monetary increment, gift cards, extra traveling allowances all these are facilities provided by this organization if production level has maintained by the employees. For the career development opportunities including transfer or job shadowing for staffs are the innovative way of learning the new concept in the organization and that somehow help in production. Steps to successful implementation Employees are doing their best to improve the position of the company but efficient employees are also needed in this organizations so the better communication and man-management can sustain in the organization and a better chance of productivity extracts through that process. There are certain steps needed to be followed: The evaluative test will be placed at the time of selection. Performance can be judged by the evaluation of every week. Better communication and interaction with employees is important. Performance can be measured by the effective production that employees invest in their organization (Aguinis, 2013). Employees need to make smart goals and try to fulfill that goal at the speculated time. Plan some innovative process that will take care of promotion of the company. In case of difficult systems, when employees do not understand the procedure to use the technology, then a special training class will be organized by the management so that improved quality and outcome can be extracted from employees (Jain Moreno, 2015). The process of reward and reorganization is a kind of mental boost that helps employees to motivate them for good works. These are the possible steps that needed to be taken by the organization for the development of performance management of the organization. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that better performance and meeting strategic objectives are important for the development of the organization. Goals and objectives of the company are the main aspect and employees retention and the reviewing efficient employees is upgraded the performance of the management. Thus, it can be stated that planned functions and evaluative test at the time of interview will encourage better retention of employee and these employees are the asset of the team. References Aguinis, H. (2013). Performance management (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Arnaboldi, M., Lapsley, I. and Steccolini, I., (2015). Performance management in the public sector: The ultimate challenge.Financial Accountability Management,31(1), pp.1-22. Buckingham, M. and Goodall, A., (2015). Reinventing performance management.Harvard Business Review,93(4), pp.40-50. Budworth, M.H., Latham, G.P. and Manroop, L., (2015). Looking forward to performance improvement: A field test of the feedforward interview for performance management.Human Resource Management,54(1), pp.45-54. Chowdhary, P.R., Pinel, F.A., Palpanas, T. and Chen, S.K., International Business Machines Corp, (2014).System and method for model-driven dashboard for business performance management. U.S. Patent 8,843,883. DeNisi, A. and Smith, C.E., (2014). Performance appraisal, performance management, and firm-level performance: A review, a proposed model, and new directions for future research.The Academy of Management Annals,8(1), pp.127-179. Gerrish, E., (2016). The Impact of Performance Management on Performance in Public operations: A Meta?Analysis.Public Administration Review,76(1), pp.48-66. Jain, A.K. and Moreno, A., (2015). Organizational learning, knowledge management practices and firms performance: an empirical study of a heavy engineering firm in India.The Learning Organization,22(1), pp.14-39. Pulakos, E.D., Hanson, R.M., Arad, S. and Moye, N., (2015). Performance management can be fixed: An on-the-job experiential learning approach for complex behavior change.Industrial and Organizational Psychology,8(1), pp.51-76. Van Dooren, W., Bouckaert, G. and Halligan, J., (2015).Performance management in the public sector. Routledge.

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